Outline of Muhammad's Life

  • 570


    Muhammad was born in Mecca in 570AD.
  • 576

    Death of Mother

    Death of Mother
    Muhammad's birth mother, Amina, died from illness when he was 6 years old. After his mother's death, he was an orphan as his father passed away a year before he was born.
  • 595


    At age 25, he married Khadījah, a rich woman who had employed him to oversee the transportation of her items to Syria. With her, he had two sons (who died at a young age) and four daughters
  • 610

    His First Revelation

    His First Revelation
    Muhammad was not happy about Mecca's materialism and way they worshipped idols. He fasted and meditated in a mountain cave outside of town; during this time, he experienced a divine interaction.
  • 613


    In 613, Muhammad began to preach his message to the public. After multiple divine interactions, Muhammad finally shared his revelations with the public.
  • 619

    The Move To Medina

    The Move To Medina
    Muhammad was able to secure a pledge of protection from people in the oasis town of Medina, so he moved with the Abu Bakr to Medina. On the way, he narrowly escaped an assassination attempt.
  • 624

    Battle of Badr

    Battle of Badr
    This battle is one of the few that is mentioned in the Qura'an. In this battle, the Muslims fight the Quraish - both who reside in Mecca. The Muslim win this battle.
  • 625

    Battle of Uhud

    Battle of Uhud
    The Battle of Uhud was fought against the Quarish again. This battle was fought in the Valley of Mount Uhud. The Muslims lost this battle.
  • 632

    The Last Pilgrimage

    The Last Pilgrimage
    Hundreds and thousands of Muslims joined Muhammad in his last pilgrimage to Mecca.
  • Jul 8, 632


    Muhammad died in 632 in Medina due to . There were no plans regarding who would take over after his death.