Outline of Muhammad's life

  • 570


    Muhammad is born in the town of Mecca in the year of the elephant. He is part of the Banu Hashim clan, part of the Quraysh tribe, and one of Mecca's prominent families
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    Becomes an orphan

    Becomes an orphan
    Muhammad's mother takes him to Yathrib, an oasis town, when he is five to stay with relatives and visit his father's grave. On the journey back home, his mother gets sick and dies. Muhammad is placed in the protection of his paternal grandfather, Abdul Al-Muttalib. In this man's care, Muhammad learned the fundamentals of statecraft.
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    Teenage years

    Teenage years
    Muhammad worked as a shepherd to help support his uncle who h lived with. He sometimes traveled with Abu Talib, a merchant, accompanying caravans to trade centers. Older merchants recognized his character and nicknamed him El–Amin, the one you can trust.
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    Khadija, a wealthy widow, proposes marriage to Muhammad after he works as a merchant for her. He was twenty-five and she was nearly forty. Their years were pleasant and prosperous with 6 children. Two sons both died in infancy, but they had four daughters.
  • 610

    Receives first revelation

    Receives first revelation
    Mecca's materialism and traditional idolatry disturbed Muhammad so he began making long retreats to a mountain cave outside town where he fasted and meditated. After a number of indistinct visionary experiences, Muhammad was visited by an overpowering presence (angel Gabriel) and instructed to recite words of such beauty and force that he and others gradually attributed them to God.
  • 613

    Begins preaching Islam faith

    Begins preaching Islam faith
    Muhammad starts to preach the Islam faith to the people of Mecca. He publicly preaches his faith to the people along with his new followers that he had gathered a couple of years before. Muhammad is growing in his faith and encouraging others to follow him and do the same.
  • 619

    Year of sorrows

    Year of sorrows
    In this year, Muhammad's wife Khadijah and uncle Abu Talib both die. Because of the death of his uncle, the Banu Hashim clan's leader becomes his son, Abu Lahab, a great enemy of Muhammad's.
  • 621

    Isra and Mi'raj

    Isra and Mi'raj
    Muhammad takes a journey to Mecca and Jerusalem and then finally ascends to heaven to meet God one night. Isra was the part where he went to Mecca and then traveled to the furthest mosque, also believed to be the dome of the rock. The second part of the journey is when Muhammad goes to heaven, which is called the mi'raj.
  • 622


    Muhammad completes his "hijra", which means flight, to Medina from Mecca. He flees from persecution. This event marks year one for the Muslim calendar and was a very important part of Muhammad's life.
  • 632


    Muhammad dies in 632 in Medina, Saudi Arabia. After his death, a lot of disagreement and anger broke out over who should be his successor. The argument and different perspectives over who should be the heir to Muhammad is what caused the splits in Islam and the different groups.