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Outline of Muhammad's Life

  • 570

    Muhammad's Birth

    Muhammad's Birth
    Muhammad was born in the town of Mecca. His name is derived from the Arabic verb hamada, meaning "to praise, to glorify." He was the first and only son of Abd Allah bin Al-Muttalib and Amina bint Wahb. His father died before his birth, and he was raised by his mother.
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    Muhammad Becomes an Orphan

    Muhammad Becomes an Orphan
    When Muhammad was five or six years old, his mother took him to Yathrib to stay with relatives and visit his father's grave. On the return journey, his mother fell ill and died. Halima, Muhammad's nurse, returned to Mecca with Muhammad and placed in the protection of his paternal grandfather, Abdul Al-Muttalib.
  • 578

    Muhammad in His Uncle's Care

    Muhammad in His Uncle's Care
    When Muhammad's grandfather died in 578, he was passed into the care of a paternal uncle, Abu Talib. Muhammad grew up in his uncle's home and remained under his care for many years.
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    Muhammad Acts as a Caravan

    Muhammad Acts as a Caravan
    Muhammad entered the service of a wealthy Meccan merchant in his early twenties. He worked for a widow named Khadija bint Khawalayd. They were distant cousins. Muhammad carried her goods to the north and returned with a profit.
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    Muhammad's Marriage

    Muhammad's Marriage
    Khadija eventually proposed marriage to Muhammad in 595. He was 25 years old and she was nearly 40 years old. Muhammad continued to manage Khadija's business affairs. They had six children. They had two sons who both died in infancy, and four daughters.
  • 610

    Muhammad Receives First Revelation

    Muhammad Receives First Revelation
    Mecca's new materialism and its traditional idolatry disturbed Muhammad, so he began making long retreats to a mountain cave outside town to fast and meditate. After a number of visionary experiences, Muhammad was visited by an overpowering presence and was instructed to recite words.
  • 622

    Muhammad and the Muslims Emigrate to Medina

    Muhammad and the Muslims Emigrate to Medina
    Muhammad and his followers left Mecca and traveled to Yathrib in 622. The leaders in Yathrib were suffering through a vicious civil war, and they had invited Muhammad to act as their mediator. Yathrib soon became known as Medina, the City of the Prophet. Muhammad stayed here for the next six years, building the first Muslim community and gradually gathering more followers.
  • 625

    The Military Period

    The Military Period
    The Meccans did not take Muhammad's new success lightly. Early skirmishes led to three major battles in the next three years. The Muslims won the first (the Battle of Badr, March 624), lost the second (the Battle of Uhud, March, 625), and outlasted the third, (The Battle of the Trench and the Siege of Medina, April, 627). A treaty was signed between the two sides in March, 628.
  • 630

    The Conquest of Mecca

    The Conquest of Mecca
    The power had shifted away from the once-powerful Mecca, toward Muhammad and the Muslims. Muhammad and the Muslims marched on Mecca in January, 630, and were joined by many tribes along the way. They entered Mecca without bloodshed and the Meccans, seeing the tide had turned, joined them.
  • 632

    Muhammad's Final Years

    Muhammad's Final Years
    Muhammad returned to live in Medina. In the next three years, he reinforced most of the Arabian Peninsula under Islam. In March, 632, he returned to Mecca one last time to make a pilgrimage, and many Muslims joined him. He returned to Medina after the pilgrimage. Three months later on June 8, 632, he died in Medina after suffering from a brief illness. He was buried in the mosque in Medina.