
Osmin Nolasco Revolutions/Unifications Timeline

  • Haitian Revolution

    Haitian Revolution
    During the French Revolution, oppressed people in the French colony of Haiti rose up against their masters. 100,000 enslaved Africans rose up in revolt. Soon after, Toussaint L'Ouverture a former slave rose up to power, he was unfamiliar with military matters. By 1801, Toussaint had taken control of the entire island and was able to free all of the enslaved Africans. French troops arrived in Saint Dominque to remove Toussaint from power. Toussaint agreed to end the rev. if slavery was ended.
  • Mexican War of Independence

    Mexican War of Independence
    Padre Miguel Hidalgo was a priest in the village of Dolores, and he was one of the first to take the first steps towards independence for Mexico. He gathered the village and encouraged them to them to rebel against the Spanish. The Spanish army and creoles lost against the Mexican peasant army which was made up of 80,000 men. Soon after Padre Jose Maria Morelos rose to power to lead the rev. In Spain a rev. erupted causing fear within the Mexican creoles which led them to proclaim independence.
  • Brazilian Independence

    Brazilian Independence
    Brazil's journey for independence was unique like no other seen before in Latin American history. Brazil accomplished the goal of becoming independent without any violent outburst or any deaths. Napoleon invaded Spain and Portugal which caused the royal family to escape on ships. They took their riches to Brazil which was their largest colony. They stood their for 14 years and when Napoleon was finally defeated, 8,000 Brazilians signed a petition to make Brazil independent in which John agreed.
  • Latin American Wars of Independence (North, Simon Bolivar)

    Latin American Wars of Independence (North, Simon Bolivar)
    Simon Bolivar declared Venezuela independent from Spain in 1811. This was just the beginning of what was to come. Simon Bolivar had lost numerous defeats and was sent to exile twice in his lifetime. He led an army to make certain of Independence for countries in the North of South America. Soon after Simon led his army of 2,000 men through the Andes, which is now known as Colombia, where he took on the Spanish and succeeded with victory. Soon after he met with San Martin for the future of S.A.
  • Latin American Wars of Independence (South, San Martin)

    Latin American Wars of Independence (South, San Martin)
    San Martin's Argentina declared its independence from Spain in 1816. Although they were independent, nearby countries such as Chile and Peru where still under the control of Spanish Forces which posed a threat. Soon after Martin led an army towards Chile and with the help of O'Higgins, he was able to finally free them. Spanish forces were still established in Lima, Peru but Martin needed help where he got by teaming with Simon. They came to an agreement and Latin America was free of the Spanish.
  • Greek Revolution

    Greek Revolution
    Greek won its independence with its popularity with other countries around the world. Many people felt a connection and respected Greek culture, which caused others to support the Greeks to gain their independence. At the time, the Greeks were ruled by the Muslim Ottomans. Powerful nations throughout Europe took the side of the Greeks against the Ottoman empire. A combination of the British, French, and Russian fleet annihilated the Ottoman. Greece was made an independent kingdom with a treaty.
  • Romanticism

    By the end of the 18th century, Enlightenment idea of reason gave way to romanticism. This new movement consisted on the interest of nature and the thoughts and feelings of people. Many romantic thinkers and writers turned against the ideals of the Enlightenment and changed reason to emotion and society to nature. Romantic thinkers and writers focused mainly on the inner feelings and emotions of people for their works of art. Wild emotions was one of the key elements of Romanticism time period.
  • German Unification

    German Unification
    Prussia had many advantages that would make the unification of Germany simpler that others. Prussia had a more German population unlike others. This resulted in nationalism uniting them as one. Another benefit Prussia was that they were one of the most powerful forces at the time in central Europe. Many wars took place in the process of the unification of Germany such as the Seven Weeks' War. Prussia won the war which increased territory for Germany. With the victory of the Franco-Prussian war,
  • German Unification (Cont.)

    German Unification (Cont.)
    ...With the victory of the Franco-Prussian war, the southern part of Germany finally accepted the leadership of Prussia making them unified.
  • Italian Unification

    Italian Unification
    Italian nationalist were searching for leadership from the kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia. The kingdom became a liberal constitution so Liberal Italians believed that this was the best plan for them. Victor Emmanuel II and his minister worked hard to expand the power of the kingdom by taking control of Northern Italy. Austria was their roadblock and France and Italy allied in which they won 2 quick victories. The south and northern parts of Italy had their differences but soon they became united.