
origins of engineering

  • 2700 BCE

    engineering miracle

    Egyptian pyramids were built
  • 200


    the roman empire built over 44000 miles of road systems
  • 500

    what led to the industrial revolution

    many advancements led to the industrial revolution
  • Jan 20, 1163


    the cathedral was built
  • meaning of egineering

    the meaning of engineering was created
  • steam engine

    the steam engine was created by Newcomen and John Calley
  • the clock

    the first couple of clocks were made to have accurate time under certain conditions/climates
  • new development

    the water frame was developed to use water to transform cotton into threads
  • Robert Fulton

    Robert Fulton was the first person to successfully and constructed it to be 146 feet long
  • train

    the first train system / first train powered by steam was developed for faster transportation
  • new invention

    the first telegram was developed by scientists Micheal Faraday and James Maxwell, who had an understanding of electricity
  • light bulb

    Thomas Edison invented the light bulb
  • train development

    first transcontinental railroad
  • engineering saftey

    laws were made so that engineers create things that are safe for the public
  • electricity

    first lighting system
  • RCA

    David Sarnoff becomes the president of the RCA
  • flight

    first controlled plane
  • driving

    ford was introduced
  • blowing up

    almost everybody in the U.S. had a car
  • RCA

    RCA created the first radio station
  • computers

    computers were introduced
  • RCA

    started making computers
  • RCA

    started making transistors
  • computers

    they became important
  • CRV

    experimental CRV became important
  • RRC

    RRC delivered first uni vac CPV
  • IBM

    IBM introduced the IBM701
  • printer

    Derry and Williams created the printer
  • IBM

    made the integrated circuit