
Origins Of Comtemporay Psychology !

By Sexy D
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    Greek Philosopher Socrates

    Greek Philosopher Socrates
    Greek Philosopher and his followers tried to investigate and explain about the human thoughts, behaviours and mental process. They also debated about whether someone is born either good or evil and also studied about whether when a baby is given birth to has any knowledge or is everything learnt at one stage of their life.
  • French Philosopher

    French Philosopher
    Rene Descartes a french philosopher who believed that the mind and the body were two seperate parts inside humans. He concluded that even though the mind and the body are two different parts they still interact through the brain.
  • Hermann Von Helmholtz

    Hermann Von Helmholtz
    Hermann Von Helmholtz developed a method that helped him measure the speed of nerve impulses inside a frog's leg. By doing this experiment, he wanted to prove what is the reaction time of impulses within a human.
  • Wilhelm Wundt

    Wilhelm Wundt
    Wilhelm Wundt was a physiologist who tried to study and explain consciousness and whether it had anything to do with thoughts or feelings of a person. He tried breaking down the feeelings and thoughts into pieces so he could get a better knowledge of things that he thought as related to consciousness.
  • Psychoanalysis

    Sigmund Freud was born in 1856, during his study he came up with something called psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is the focus on roles of unconciousness and motivations in understanding and explaining behaviour and mental processes.
  • William James

    William James
    In 1842, William James defined the study of psychology as consciousness. He belived that humans can change their behaviour when neccssary to function effectively in the changing envirnoment. He also came up with alot with his own original ideas about consciousness such as the relationship between conscious experience and the body.
  • The founder of behaviorism

    The founder of behaviorism
    John B Watson, the founder of bahaviorism. He defined behaviourism as the understanding and explaining of the bahavious of humans. He thought that people only repeat behaviours that they get rewarded for and tend to not repeat bahviours that do not get rewarded for. Behaviours of people can also be influenced by past experiences such as punishments or rewards. Watson also said that people who were studying psychology at the time should focus more on observable behaviour.
  • Humanism Emerges

    Humanism Emerges
    In the 1950s, humanism was brought up as an alternative to to psychoanalysis and behaviourism. It means an undertsanding of behaviour and mental processes. It also focuses on on individuals and how their behavioiur isn different from others.
  • The theory of self-actualisation

    The theory of self-actualisation
    Abraham Maslow invented the theory of self-actualisaion. The theory explained that people have the potential to do what they want but they must have everything below the Self Actualisation needs which are the basic needs. There are levels below the Self actualisation on the pyramid, the include Physiological needs which is everyday needs such as water and air, the next level up is Safety needs such security and no fear, the 3rd level is Love and Belongingness needs
  • Carl Rogers

    Carl Rogers
    Carl Rogers desciribed humans have the choice whether to behave good or bad. Humans are able to control their own pathways, he believed that behavious is not determied by things that aren't at the control of humans