Online Learning Strategies

  • Assignments Due

    Assignments for the class are due every Sunday at 11:59 pm
  • Noticing Improvements

    I have noticed an uptick in my awareness of how I'm spending my time. This has led to me being able to get off of my phone and complete my work at better rates.
  • Putting it all Together

    By applying the methods and thought processes I am learning, or have learned in the class, I am able to work faster, smarter and more efficiently.
  • Benefits

    Taking the class has provided me with a lot of benefits in my life, not only academically. The class has challenged me to ask myself how I spend my time, and how I can improve my productivity.
  • Specific Method

    My favorite method I have learned while taking the class is the timer for focused and unfocused work. I have repeatedly set timers to make myself complete school work and to limit the amount of time spent and scrolling mindlessly. By placing a physical limit on the time you spend scrolling(the sound from the alarm), and treating it as a reward, not a guaranteed action, you are able to work more efficiently. Setting timer goals for focused work allows you to see an end to difficult tasks.
  • Class Begins

    I began taking the online learning strategies class after fall break in the AU 22 semester at Ohio State.
  • Period: to


    This is the timeline for my experience so far with Online Learning Strategies.