Jul 13, 776
776 BC (Click for info)
776 BC: Hercules, the son of Zeus, is said to have started the Olympic games. The sole winner was a nude runner Coroebus. (Of note, software on this nor glider would allow for a BC date) -
1859 Revival of Games (Click for info)
After Greece won its indepedence from the Ottoman Empire in 1821, an effort was started to revive the games. IN 1859, funded by Envangelos Zappas, the games were revived and held in Athens Greece -
IOC Creates Winter Games (Click for info)
in 1921 the International Olympic Committee decides to hold a Winter Games. The first of the winter games was held in 1924 in France. -
Beijing Olympics 2008 (CLick)
In what has been the most eloborate ceromonies in history, China shocks the world with the pagentry and size of the cermonies. -
Internet games of London 2012
The London games is hyped by claims that it will bring Olympic coverage to the modern digital world of the internet. Virtually every event was now available to be watched by the first world wide audience. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, and streaming via network television makes the coverage span all aspects of social media and news sources. -
Christians outlaw games (Click for info)
The games were held every 4 years for some 1200 years until the year 393 AD in which the Christian community abolished the games due to it being an alleged Pagan event. (Abolished by Emporer Theodosius)