Old Testament Survey

  • Period: 3300 BCE to 2000 BCE

    Early Bronze Age

  • Period: 2100 BCE to 1700 BCE

    Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph

    The lifespans of the Patriarchs
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 1500 BCE

    Egyptian Middle Kingdom

  • Period: 2000 BCE to 1595 BCE

    Babylonian Period

  • Period: 2000 BCE to 1550 BCE

    Middle Bronze Age

  • Period: 1550 BCE to 1200 BCE

    Late Bronze Age

  • Period: 1446 BCE to 1446 BCE

    The Exodus

  • Period: 1446 BCE to 1406 BCE

    The Wilderness Wanderings

    40 Years wandering in the Wilderness because of disobedience
  • Period: 1406 BCE to 1050 BCE

    Period of the Judges

    Ruth- approximately 1300's
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 930 BCE

    Iron Age I

  • Period: 1121 BCE to 971 BCE

    Samuel judging

    The first writing of 1 Samuel would have been around the time of the death of David.
  • Period: 1050 BCE to 930 BCE

    The United Kingdom

    Samuel- 1070
    King Saul- 1050
    King David- 1010
    Solomon's Temple- 966
  • Period: 930 BCE to 539 BCE

    Iron Age II

  • Period: 930 BCE to 722 BCE

    The Divided Kingdom

    The Fall of Northern Israel- 722
    The Fall of Judah- 587
  • Period: 792 BCE to 740 BCE


  • Period: 767 BCE to 753 BCE

    Amos' prophetic years

  • Period: 742 BCE to 701 BCE

    Isaiah's prophetic years

  • Period: 715 BCE to 686 BCE


  • Period: 663 BCE to 612 BCE

    Nahum's prophetic years

  • Period: 627 BCE to 586 BCE

    Jeremiah's prophetic years

  • Period: 605 BCE to 520 BCE

    Daniel's prophetic years

  • Period: 593 BCE to 568 BCE

    Ezekiel's prophetic years

  • Period: 570 BCE to 515 BCE

    Haggai's prophetic years

  • Period: 539 BCE to 332 BCE

    Iron Age III

    Edict of King Cyrus- 539 BC
  • Period: 538 BCE to 535 BCE

    Return to Israel

  • Period: 479 BCE to 465 BCE

    Queen Esther

  • Period: 458 BCE to 425 BCE

    Nehemiah and Ezra's prophetic years