
Oceanography Timeline

  • 1410

    Ptolemy's Map Was Rediscovered

    Ptolemy's world map is rediscovered and published once again after the European crusades capture ancient Roman libraries from the Arab peoples. (Navigation)
  • 1578

    The First Plans For The Submarine Were Drawn Up

    William Bourne, English mathematician, drew up the first known plans for an underwater boat. He planned for it to be a leather-covered wooden frame craft and have it be rowed from the inside. The submarine became very important in the future because it's ability to stay hidden made it a great tool in warfare. (Military)
  • The First Practical Diving Suit Was Made

    German instrument maker, Augustus Siebe, introduced the "Siebe Improved Diving Dress". This diving suit was a step in the direction of the diving suit we know today. This suit would be used for over a century. (Scientific&Recreational)
  • First Chart of the Gulf Stream

    The U.S. Coast Survey published the first chart of the Gulf Stream, a warm ocean current that originated in the Gulf of Mexico and travels up the eastern coast of the North America, bringing warmer climate to the northern regions of the Atlantic Ocean. The current can significantly impact ships traveling in the area. (Navigation)
  • First Acoustic Exploration of the Sea Floor

    Reginald Fessenden, Canadian inventor, used an oscillator and bounced sound waves between an iceberg and the sea floor. By performing this test, the beginning of acoustic exploration of the sea was marked. The technology lead to the development of sonar, which allowed submarines to signal each other & allowed ships to detect icebergs. (Scientific&Navigation)
  • The Ocean Floor is Mapped

    The German vessel Meteor sailed around the ocean floor of the Atlantic Ocean. It took detailed measurements using echo sounding equipment. The voyages revealed new information about the shape and structure of the ocean floor. (Scientific)
  • WW2 Research

    Electronic navigation systems were developed for precision bombing during WW2, leading the Coast and Geodetic Survey to conduct its first hydrographic surveys using these systems a few years later. Research during the war lead to new ocean exploration tools. These tools included deep-ocean camera systems, early magnetometers, sidescan sonar instruments, and early technology for guiding Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs). (Military)
  • The First Habitat Underwater

    There were several experiments of people living in underwater habitats. During the research the people will leave the habitat to explore and return for food, sleep, and relaxation. Compressed air from the surface make the habitats possible to live in. In the first experiment, Jacques Cousteau & his team spent 7 days under 33 feet of water near Marseilles, France, in a habitat they name Diogenes. (Recreation)
  • Undersea Lab Aquarius

    Undersea habitat, Aquarius, began an operation in the U.S. Virgin Islands. It later was moved off the coast of Key Largo in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. It resembles an underwater apartment & lab, capable of accommodating 6 person teams during 10 day missions. Scientists live, eat, & sleep in the habitat, working outside for 6-9 hours daily. It operated until 1996 and helped revolutionize the study of coral reefs. (Scientific&Recreational)
  • Seafloor Maps Created

    Declassification of GEOSAT radar altimetry data from a U.S. Navy Earth observation satellite leads to the worldwide mapping of the seafloor. (Navigation&Scientific)