White Castle Opens
The first fast food restaurant opens in Witchita, Kansas -
Obesity Rates for Kids and Teens at 5%
High Fructose-Glucose sweetener is first introduced to the food and beverage industry
HBO is Launched
High Fructose-Glucose sweetener is used in most foods and beverages on a regular basis
Half of Women are in the Workforce, food consumption outside of home accelerates
McDonalds sells First Happy Meal
7-Eleven Introduces 44 ounce Super Gulp
Nutrition Labeling and Education Act
Average Cheeseburger Tops 553 Calories
New BMI Guidelines Introduced
National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys that 16.3% of Americans were overweight
America Spent $147 Billion on medical costs that are associated with obesity
1.4 billion adults are considered overweight worldwide and half a billion adults were considered obese
2.8 million individuals die worldwide yearly due to overweight/obesity issues.
Obama proposed Federal Menu Labeling Laws to promote caloric intake knowledge on all fast food and vending machines in the US