History of health care reform in the United States

  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt
    Effort to achieve universal coverage
  • Franklin Roosevelt

    Franklin Roosevelt
    Publicly funded health care programs。
    These reforms were attacked by the American Medical Association as well as state and local affiliates of the AMA as "compulsory health insurance." Roosevelt ended up removing the health care provisions from the bill in 1935.
  • Harry Truman

    Harry Truman
    Called for universal health care as a part of his Fair Deal in 1949 but strong opposition stopped that part of the Fair Deal.
  • John Fitzgerald Kennedy

    John Fitzgerald Kennedy
    Appeal to establish insurance for elderly
  • Lyndon Johnson

    Lyndon Johnson
    Medicare and Medicaid was established.
  • Jimmy Carter

    Jimmy Carter
    Proposed health care reform that included key features of Kennedy's universal national health insurance bill.[35]
  • Ronald Reagan

    Ronald Reagan
  • Bill Clinton

    Bill Clinton
    The 1993 Clinton health care plan was not enacted into law.