Nutrition throughout the Life Cycle ( Celeste, Carol, & Tyler)

By Foods1
  • Pregnancy / Lactation

    Pregnancy / Lactation
    Special Nutritional Needs
    - Pregnant women need on average an extra 300 calories per day
    - Pregnant women need to consume more macronutrients ( calories, proteins, and fluids) and more micronutrients ( calcium, folate, and iron) Foods to Avoid
    -Soft cheese made from unpasterized milk
    - Raw cookie dough or cake batter
    - Deli meats
    - Certain types of fish
    - Sushi
    - Unpasterized anything
    - Raw anything
  • Infancy

    Special Nutritional Needs
    - Fats
    - Fat soluble vitamins
    - Protein
    All of these things come from formula or human milk Foods to Avoid
    - Cow's milk
    - Fruit Juices
    -Refined Grains
    - Sugary Treats
    - Unpasterized foods
    - High- mercury fish
    - Smoked and cured meats
    - Allergenic foods
  • Toddler

    Specific Nutritional Needs
    This age in the life cycle is when parents should start experiementing with all kinds of food. child this age should be taking in anywhere from 1,000-1,400 calories a day and should be eating colorful plates that have all food groups. Foods to Avoid
    - Any foods a child can choke on
    - Any food that the child may be allergic to
  • Preschool

    Specific Nutrtional Needs
    - Atleast 1 and 1/2 cup of fruit daily
    - Atleast 1 and 1/2 cup of vegtables daily
    - Atleast 4 ounces of protein daily
    - Atleast 2 and 1/2 cups of dairy daily Foods to avoid
    - Any allergens
    - Still continue to keep a close eye on them when eating to avoid choking
  • School-Aged

    Specific Nutritional Needs
    - Colorful Plate
    - All 5 catagories of the food plate Foods to Avoid
    - Sweets
    -Foods high in sugar such as...
    - Candy
    - Chips
    - Breakfast bars
    - Fruit snacks
    - Fruit bas
  • Teen-Aged

    Specific Nutritional Needs
    - Since this is a time in your life where you are still growing you need normal amounts of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals,
    - Now is the time to get in the habit of eating healthy and having a colorful plate Foods to Avoid
    - Sweets
    - Foods high in sugar
  • Adult

    Specific Nutritional Needs
    - Many diffeent colors and types of vegtables and fruits
    - Half of grains are whole grains Foods to Avoid
    - Consume only small amounts of solid fats and foods with added sugar
    - Limit saturated fat and trans fat
  • Older Adults

    Older Adults
    Specific Nutritional Needs
    - Vitamin B12, food sources like fish, meat, poultry, eggs milk and milk products.
    - Folic aci
    - Calcium
    -Lots of fruit and vegtables o fotified breakfast cereals Foods to Avoid
    - Any foos that ae not included in a doctors perscribed diet if applicable
    - Any foods high in sugar such as sweets and high calorie foods Foods to Avoid
    - foods high in sugar for example sweets and high calorie foods