Nutrition throughout the Life Cycle (Carlos Vega & Ayana Silvera)

  • Pregnancy/Lactation

    Foods to avoid are raw meat, fish, raw vegetables, and alcohol. Special nutritional needs are 300 more calories added to your diet.
  • Infancy

    Foods to avoid include: solid foods Special nutritional needs includes breast milk.
  • Toddler

    Avoid low-fat milk. Most young toddlers need the fat and calories of whole milk for growth and development.
  • Preschool

    Foods to avoid include: Salty foods, chocolate, foods high in fat and sugar, and high fibre foods. Eat more vegetables and fruits, yogurt and fruit and milk smoothies.
  • School-Aged

    Foods to avoid include: chocolate, and greasy foods. Special nutritional needs include: fresh fruits, raw vegetables, lowfat cheese, and yogurt.
  • Teen-Aged

    Foods to avoid include: junk food higher in fat, salt, sugar, low in fiber, nutrients such as calcium & iron. Also avoid sugary drinks, skipping lunch, adding salt to your food, and don't eat high-fat foods evertime you eat out. Girls aged 14 to 16 eat only half the recommended fruits and vegetables per day.
    Eat breakfast everday
    Keep a fruit bowl stocked at home for snacks.
    A teenager who eats fast food regularly is more likely to put on weight.
    A diet consists of healthy meals and snacks.
  • Adults

    Adults should plan their meals around MyPyramid. They need to be sure to eat recommended amounts of whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.
  • Older Adults

    Older Adults
    Energy needs decrease as people become older. Adults who lead active lives require more calories than adults who lead sedentary lives.
    Like other people, older adults should use MyPyramid to plan their meals. Daily calorie levels for older adults than for younger adults.