Photo on 6 5 15 at 12.28 pm

Number the Stars

By lylerh
  • Period: to

    Number the Stars

  • Germans occupy Denmark

    Germans occupy Denmark
  • Lise died

  • King Christian rides horse through German occupied city

    King Christian rides horse through German occupied city
  • German soldier catches Annmarie & Ellen running

  • Danes bombed ther own naval fleet

    Danes bombed ther own naval fleet
  • Jewish button store closed

  • Danish Jews ordered deported - Rosens heard at Rosh Hoshana

  • Mr & Mrs Rosen go underground with Peter; Ellen stays with Johansens

  • to Uncle Henrik's

  • "Funeral" at the shore

  • Rosens & fugitives on boat to Sweden

  • Annemarie encounters the soldiers with dogs on her way to Henrik's boat

  • Mama Johansen broke her foot

  • Annemarie discovers Peter's involvement in Danish Resistence

  • End of German occupation of Denmark

  • Peter captured & executed in Public Square

  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
    WW II Ends in Europe