Nti day 1/22

  • Signing of the alliances

    The alliance system of the Triple Entente with Russia, England, and France and the alliance system between Germany and Austria-Hungary were some of the biggest contributing factors to the outbreak of World War One.
  • Assasination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assasination of Franz Ferdinand
    Franz and his wife were assassinated by Gavrilo Princip so that they Austria-Hungary declared war.
  • The battle of somme

    The battle of somme
    It inflicted serious damage on German positions in France, spurring the Germans to strategically retreat to the Hindenburg Linein March 1917 rather than continue battling over the same land that spring.
  • The signing of the treaty of Versailles

    The treaty gave some German territories to neighboring countries and placed other German territories under international supervision. In addition, Germany was stripped of its overseas colonies, its military capabilities were severely restricted, and it was required to pay war reparations to the Allied countries.