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Norway COVID-19 Response- Togi, Tamim, Brenna

  • First Confirmed Case of COVID-19

    First Confirmed Case of COVID-19
    The first case of COVID-19 was confirmed on February 26. The patient had just returned from traveling in China and was quarantined in their home. This event marked the beginning of the pandemic in Norway.
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  • National lockdown is put in place

    National lockdown is put in place
    The Norwegian government shutdown all schools, businesses, and public gatherings in order to try and stop the spread of the virus. This is important because it was one of Norway's first counter-measures against the virus. They aimed to help prevent noew cases by establishing guidelines and a lockdown.
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  • Norway approves rejection policy for foreigners

    Norway approves rejection policy for foreigners
    Norway made a policy that allows the government to kick foreigners without a residence permit out of the country. This was made with the intention of stopping COVID-19 from being brought into the country. This was an important event because it showed that Norway is prioritizing their citizen's health.
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  • All travel to Norway is restricted for non-Norwegian citizens

    All travel to Norway is restricted for non-Norwegian citizens
    The Norwegian government shut down airports and prevented all travelers from foreign countries from entering Norway in order to stop the spread of the virus. Travel within Norway was not affected. This event is important because Norway realized that most of their COVID cases were coming from people who returned from traveling abroad so they were trying to prevent new cases.
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  • Norway establishes a program that provides NOK 100 billion in loans for businesses

    Norway establishes a program that provides NOK 100 billion in loans for businesses
    Norway provided loans for businesses that were affected by the lockdown. This helped to prevent establishments from going out of businesses and pay for unemployment benefits for employees.
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  • Norway mobilises international support for vaccine development effort

    Norway mobilises international support for vaccine development effort
    Several countries are support Norway with funding for the development of a vaccine against Covid-19. Countries like Germany, Sweden, Finland and Denmark are pledging for millions.
  • Norway establishes compensation plan for culture, entertainment, and sport facilities

    Norway establishes compensation plan for culture, entertainment, and sport facilities
    Due to the pandemic, many events had to be cancelled. This plan aims to compensate venues that lost revenue due to the shutdown. This is important because entertainment and culture are very beneficial maintaining them helps the rest of the country.
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  • 20,000 NOK (2,000 USD) fine for violating quarantine

    20,000 NOK (2,000 USD) fine for violating quarantine
    Anyone found violating the isolation rules risks a 20,000 NOK fine or a 15 day prison sentence. This rule was created to further discourage social gathering and to avoid putting stress on local hospitals. This is important because it shows how seriously Norway is taking the pandemic.
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  • Norway donates 13 million NOK to Malawi

    Norway donates 13 million NOK to Malawi
    Norway donated funds to help Malawi's pandemic response. Malawi has a weak healthcare system and the funds will go towards managing COVID-19. At the time, Malawi had only one research lab. This is an important event because it shows how Norway is trying to help other countries as well.
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  • Norway announces that pandemic is under control as infection rate drops

    Norway announces that pandemic is under control as infection rate drops
    The minister of health states that the pandemic is being managed very effectively. Transmission rates dropped from 2.5 to 0.7 thanks to Norway's regulations. At this point there have been a total of 5,755 cases and 59 deaths. This is important because it shows that Norway's response was effective in slowing the spread of the virus.
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  • COVID-tracking app is launched

    COVID-tracking app is launched
    The Norwegian government released a COVID-tracking app that notifies users if they have been in close proximity to an infected person for longer than 15 minutes. More than 1.5 million adults downloaded the app in the first 11 days it was available. This is important because it is a unique response to the pandemic.
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  • Norway revises national budget

    Norway revises national budget
    Norway's pandemic response has costed an average of 24 billion NOK per month and the government revised the national budget in order to accommodate the cost. This adjustment included creating a new section for online instruction. This is an important event because it shows how much effort Norway has put into it's pandemic response.
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  • Economic Measures

    Economic Measures
    The Norwegian Government has introduced significant measures to secure jobs, help businesses and people, and strengthen health services. This is important because many Norwegian small businesses were negatively affected by COVID and this new measure helps the small businesses.
  • Norway extends travel restrictions

    Norway extends travel restrictions
    Norway extends travel restrictions until Oct. 1. The restrictions advise all citizens against non-essential travel, especially in regards to trips outside of Norway. This is important because it shows that Norway wants to continue to try and protect its citizens from the virus. Link text
  • Increased unemployment benefit rate throughout the year

    Increased unemployment benefit rate throughout the year
    The Government proposes to extend the period with an increased unemployment benefit rate, and will submit a proposal for a budget decision to the government so that the scheme is extended throughout the year. With the spread of Covid-19 some citizens of Norway are wanting to stay home or have lost their jobs, and this unemployment benefit will help them financially
  • Family Members May Come to Norway

    Family Members May Come to Norway
    On October 16th, Norway's government allowed more family members from outside the EU/EEA to visit relatives in Norway. They still need to follow the rules on entry quarantine remain unchanged. This is important because it allowed people to have peace of mind knowing they can trace to their family members.
  • Norway continues to enforce national restrictions

    Norway continues to enforce national restrictions
    The Norwegian government continues to enforce national guidelines that limit the size of gatherings in order to continue social distancing. In October, Norway averaged 900 new cases per week so they updated their guidelines and made them stricter. This is important because it shows that the government is reacting to the severity of the pandemic.
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  • Stay at Home

    Stay at Home
    Prime Minister Erna Solberg stated that Norwegian people need to "stay at home as much as possible." This is important because it ensures that people have as little social contact as possible, which prevents the spreading of COVID.
  • Norway sets up "quarantine hotels"

    Norway sets up "quarantine hotels"
    Norway established "quarantine hotels" for foreign travelers to quarantine in for 10 days before entering the country. This is important because it is another measure that the government established to prevent the virus from being brought in from other countries.
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  • Requirement of negative Covid-19 test to enter Norway

    Requirement of negative Covid-19 test to enter Norway
    The government has announced that in order to gain entry into Norway, people must get a negative in their Covid-19 tests.
  • Norway will receive at least 500,000 doses

    Norway will receive at least 500,000 doses
    The total volume is 2.5 million doses. Then it is always a bit uncertain with the delivery form, but at least 500,000 doses come in the first quarter from Pfizer.