Noah Alloways Renaissance & Reformation

  • Oct 11, 1330

    Reformers before luther

    Reformers before luther
    Even before Luther, there were people who were going against the church but they didn't have as big of an impact. it started with John Wycliffe who was born in 1330, he questioned the authority of the Pope. Jan Hus Criticized the vast wealth of the church. Desiderius Erasmus attacked corruption in the church.
    Marting luther and the reformation notes
  • Feb 3, 1350


    During the Renaissance, people were divided into three different classes. One of these classes were called Nobility which made up 2-3% of the population. People in the Nobility class held important political positions, like the king's advisors. it was believed that Nobles were born, not made and they must have grace, talent, grace, and character.
    Life during the Renaissance notes
  • Feb 4, 1350


    Another class of people in the Renaissance were the townspeople which made up 7-13% of the population. townspeople would be in four different divisions of jobs. those divisions were patricians, Burghers, Workers, and the unemployed.
    Life during the Renaissance notes
  • Feb 5, 1350


    The peasants are the last class and they made up 85-90% of the population.The peasants had same jobs and responsibilities as middle age peasants did. The peasants Worked farmland for very poor wages.
    Life during the renaissance notes
  • Apr 12, 1400


    The idea of Humanism was based around secularism, which was the idea of studying different parts of the world instead of compartmentalizing different places in the world. Humanism inspired the study of subjects that no one had really been paying attention to. those subjects were grammar, poetry, philosophy, and history. Humanism was one of the things that lead to painting art in the renaissance.
    Artistic movements of the renaissance notes
  • Dec 2, 1400


    Frescoes was a way of painting in the renaissance, it took part in the early renaissance. it involved painting on wet plaster with water-based paint, which gave the illusion of depth in the paintings. these paintings were called the the first masterpieces of the early renaissance.
    artistic movements of the Renaissance notes
  • Nov 23, 1434

    the Medici familys rule

    the Medici familys rule
    The Medici family is a family that became very wealthy from being wool merchants and Bankers.For 200 years the Medici family ruled over the city of Florence. Despite that, the Medici family is most famous for their patronage of the arts which supported many artist in the Renaissance.
  • Jun 7, 1440

    printing press

    printing press
    The printing press is considered the most important invention that was made in the renaissance. It was was invented around 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg. the printing press allowed information about anything to spread faster than it would have by hand.
  • Mar 12, 1450

    The Sforza family rule

    The Sforza family rule
    The Sforza family was another wealthy Family but they got their wealth from force, ruse, and political power. Also like the Medici family, the Sforza family ruled a city called Milan but their rule was only for 85 years.This family was also famous for their patronage of the arts which help support artist in the renaissance.
  • Mar 6, 1475


    Michelangelo was an artist who worked with painting, sculpting, and architecture. he was known for the multiple frescoes in the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City. Michelangelo's frescoes were seen as perfect proportions with god-like beauty. his most famous painting is the creation of Adam. he was another high renaissance artist.
    artistic movements of the renaissance notes.
  • Apr 6, 1483


    Raphael was an artist who was valued for his depictions of the virgin Mary. he had achieved an idea of beauty that no other artist could copy even if they tried. Raphael at the time was one of the high renaissance artist.
    artistic movements of the Renaissance notes
  • Jun 13, 1483

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther was the monk who was responsible for starting the reformation.Luther criticized the church about selling indulgences.He aimed to begin a discussion within the Church about the true path to salvation. he created something called the ninety five theses which were problems he was seen and knows about in the church. later Luther gained many followers for his plan to build a new church, even support from German princess and eventually he succeeded.
    martin Luther and reformation notes
  • Mar 1, 1500

    The catholic church before the reformation, introduction

    The catholic church before the reformation, introduction
    England was an entirely Christian country near the beginning of the 16th century. The church controlled how people lived their lives and how they would understand the world. All three of the major life occasions birth, marriage and death would always have happen in the church and nowhere else. It would control people’s social lives, punish whoever partook in moral wrongdoings, and it even marked the following year with a calendar of festivals.
  • Mar 6, 1500

    Catholic church pre-reformation part 2

    Catholic church pre-reformation part 2
    Before the reformation began, all Christians that were living in Western Europe were part of the Roman catholic church which was led by the pope based in Rome, the church was very rich and powerful .In church, services were held in Latin but Most ordinary people could not read, so Bible stories were told in beautiful images and stained glass windows. People would travel for miles to places of pilgrimage and pray to saints for help in their lives.
  • Mar 7, 1500

    The catholic church pre-reformation part 3

    The catholic church pre-reformation part 3
    historians believed that lots of people in England and Wales were unhappy with the Catholic church before the they believe that there were some problems, but despite that, the church was still very popular. The church was extremely wealthy. For centuries people had donated land and money to it which was used to build religious houses.
  • Apr 3, 1503

    Leonardo da Vinci paints the Mona Lisa

    Leonardo da Vinci paints the Mona Lisa
    Leonardo da Vinci was a very famous and talented artist during the Renaissance. he dissected human bodies to better understand how they worked so that his art could seem more real. He began painting his most known and famous painting "Mona Lisa" in 1503 to 1519.The Mona Lisa set the standard for all future portraits.
    artistic movements of the Renaissance notes.
  • Mar 12, 1512

    The translation of the bible

    The translation of the bible
    Starting in 1512, Martin Luther translated the Bible from its original language, into German. Luther did this when he was held Prisoner by Frederick for eleven months in order to protect him. Luthers translation of the bible into german might be one of the most important literary works of the reformation
  • Aug 23, 1517


    Luther’s followers disagreed with many of the teachings of the Catholic Church. They rejected the authority of the church councils and the pope. Reading the Bible was the only way to learn how to lead a good life And Luther translated the bible into German so more people could learn about the church.
    Martin Luther and the Reformation notes
  • Feb 18, 1532


    this was a book that was published in 1532, five years after the death of its author Machiavelli. It was considered a fundamental work in political science and seen as a political treaty.
    It was written in Italian and not Latin which at the time was popular since the publication of the Divine Comedy Of Dante and other the other works of Renaissance literature. it was and to some still is, arguing with the dominant Catholic doctrines.
  • Oct 13, 1543

    Heliocentric solar system model

    Heliocentric solar system model
    the heliocentric model of the solar system is one of the major scientific discoveries during the renaissance. this model was made by Nicolaus Copernicus and he published it in 1543. this model is the reason that we all planets in our solar system revolve around the sun and not the earth.
  • Jun 14, 1561

    the scientific method

    the scientific method
    the scientific method was further worked on during the renaissance but it was not invented during the renaissance. Francis Bacon was the first to formulate the concept of a true scientific method and he was inspired by Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galilei. the sientific method is what scientist have been using to investigate and discover more about our world since the 17th century
  • Mar 5, 1581


    the very first mechanical clock was made around the time of the early renaissance. there were improvements made on the clock by Galileo. this invention lead to clock that told time more accurately.
  • Microscope/Telescope/Eyeglasses

    all three of these inventions were made through the improvement of lenses. the first actual useful microscope was made around 1590 to 1608. the telescope helped Galileo with his theory of the solar system. the eyeglasses helped many people read what came from the printing press.
  • Romeo and Juliet

    Romeo and Juliet
    This story about two lovers is one of Shakespeare's most popular works made in the renaissance. this book was written between 1591 and 1595 and was published in 1597. Shakespeare used dramatic structure,poetry and oscillates between the comedy and the tragedy to increase the tension in the story.
  • the heliocentric solar system proven

    the heliocentric solar system proven
    in 1609 there was a man named Galileo Galilei, he was an italian physicist born in Pisa on February 15, 1564. one of the things you might know him for improving the spyglass into a telescope. with this telescope, Galileo strengthened Nicolaus Copernicus's theory that the solar system revolves around the sun and not the earth. the church tried to stop Galileo but as time passed, Nicolaus's theory was later proved correct.