Nineteen Minutes

  • Seventeen Years Before

    Seventeen Years Before
    Alex and Lacy meet. Alex is a single mother and decides to keep the baby.
  • Seventeen Years Before

    Seventeen Years Before
    Lewis Houghton is an economist, to figure the formula of happiness. It's kind of ironic because of the future events that happen in his life.
  • Seventeen Years Before

    Seventeen Years Before
    Peter is a very fussy baby. This shows his attitude in the book for future references.
  • Seventeen Years Before

    Seventeen Years Before
    Alex is having problems with pregnancy. Baby was breech and she had to do accupuntcure.
  • Twelve Years Before

    Twelve Years Before
    Peter was first bullied on the bus. Drew threw his lunchbox out of the bus window. This is when the bullying started.
  • Twelve Years Before

    Twelve Years Before
    Whit Hobart calls Alex for a new job position for a judge. This is important because this job shows who Alex really is later on in the book.
  • Twelve Years Before

    Twelve Years Before
    Josie got sent to the principal office for punching a kid. She was standing up for Peter. Shows how close they are in their younger years.
  • Twelve Years Before

    Twelve Years Before
    Alex got the spot for the judge position. She was very serious about it. Always wears a "mask."
  • Twelve Years Before

    Josie and Peter were looking at guns at Peter's house. Josie was holding it and Alex made her leave.
  • Six Years Before

    Six Years Before
    Peter recieved a superman binder from his mother. Drew tripped him in the lunchroom and milk went everywhere.
  • Six Years Before

    Six Years Before
    Peter was made fun of in the shower and they broke his glasses. Drew and Matt still made fun of him since elementary school.
  • Six Years Before

    Six Years Before
    Derek Markowitz became Peter's friend. They both don't play on the team and make jokes together.
  • Six Years Before

    Six Years Before
    Dad took Peter hunting. Peter got scared and his dad ended up shooting the deer.
  • Six Years Before

    Six Years Before
    After Peter stood up for Delores, Josie told Peter she couldn't hangout with him. This is when Josie became apart of the popular crowd.
  • One Year Before

    One Year Before
    Peter was in the bathroom and his own brother was making fun of him. This showed that everyone, even his brother made fun of him.
  • One Year Before

    One Year Before
    Peter was working at Quik Copy and Josie got hired as well. They found Logan Rouke's address on the computer.
  • One Year Before

    One Year Before
    Peter made a pie chart about popularity. He brought up Josie and this humiliated her.
  • One Year Before

    One Year Before
    Josie met her father. He didn't want to talk to her and get to know her, so he gave her money to get away from him and his new family.
  • One Year Before

    One Year Before
    Josie and Matt were at Maddie's house and Josie wanted to stay. She ran out and Matt grabbed her. This is when Matt starts to abuse her.
  • One Year Before

    One Year Before
    Josie and Peter got stuck in the elevator. Peter found out that Matt abuses Josie and they end up kissing. Peter goes home to find his parents crying because Joey had died.
  • The Month Before

    The Month Before
    Josie and Matt hooked up with no protection. Josie ended up pregnant.
  • The Month Before

    The Month Before
    Peter send Josie a private email. Courtney saw it before Josie and sent it to Drew, who mass sent it out. Josie found out because of Drew and Matt later on.
  • The Month Before

    The Month Before
    Peter asked Josie to eat with him for lunch and Matt pulled down his pants in front of everyone.
  • The Month Before

    The Month Before
    Peter stole a glock from his neighbor when he was asking for more gas. This is what Peter might have used during the shooting.
  • 6:30 A.M, The Day of

    6:30 A.M, The Day of
    Peter saw the email to Josie on his computer screen, which set him off.
  • 10:16 A.M, The Day of

    10:16 A.M, The Day of
    Matt and Josie were hiding in the locker room. Peter walked in and dropped the gun. Matt told Josie to shoot and she ended up shooting Matt. Peter ended it by killing him.
  • Hours After

    Hours After
    John Ebberhard fell two stories and was shot. Lacy rushed to the scene and found out that Peter might be the shooter because of others talking. Alex rushed to the scene and found the list of names at the hockey rink.
  • Hours After

    Hours After
    Josie had fainted during the shooting and was sent to the hospital. Patrick left the school and went to see Josie because he rescued her. Meanwhile, Jordan McAfee is representing Peter in court.
  • The Day After

    The Day After
    Courtney is still alive. Alex didn't want to be removed from the case because she felt as if it wasn't personal to her. Told Josie not to go to arraignment.
  • The Day After

    The Day After
    Josie went to Matt's memorial service. She walked up to the front and walked away. Patrick went and talked to Josie, but she couldn't remember anything.
  • Ten Days After

    Ten Days After
    Courtneys father attacked Jordan at grief session. Sterling High was moved to a new building with ID's. Jordan was going to use Battered Person Syndrom in court.
  • One Month After

    One Month After
    Makeshift Memorial, 10 crosses, 1 for Peter. A lot of the posse was gone, it wasn't the same. King Wah was going to help Peter.
  • One Month After

    One Month After
    Elena had emailed Peter and wanted to interview him. Lied about who she was and published the story. Jordan put Josie on witness list so Alex would recuse herself.
  • Five Months After

    Five Months After
    Alex and Patrick were a couple. Drew lied about bullying Peter. Josie lied about her new job, she actually went to the cemetary.
  • Five Months After

    Five Months After
    Bully Victims of America at court. Jordan had argued that he was not in the right state of mind, while Diana said it was pre-meditated. Ebberhard was getting better from the shooting.
  • Five Months After

    Five Months After
    Peter went up and said why he actually did it. Josie confessed to shooting Matt. Josie was sent away and Peter ended up killing himself in prison.
  • March 6, 2008

    March 6, 2008
    Patrick and Alex were having a baby. Went back to the high school on the day of the shooting and mourned for the kids.