The First Warning
Moishe warns the people about what the Gestapo and Germans are doing to the Jews. They do not belive him and his stories, so he starts to cry. He tells them they will soon see. -
The Jews are taken from their homes
The Germans visit the Jews homes and order them to pack their belongings. Afterwards, they have roll call and transport them to "the small ghetto". -
Mrs. Schachter sees a fire
During the Jews deportation, a lady who is in her fifties, named Mrs. Schachter, starts screaming she sees a fire. The Jews look out the vehicle and see nothing. They all think she has gone mad because her husband and her sons had been separated during the first transport. -
The Jews arrive at the Camps
After traveling the whole evening, the Jews are sick of hearing Mrs. Schachter screaming she saw a fire. Once the vehicle stops, they see a tall chimney breathing out smoke into the air. "In front of us, those flames. In the air, the smell of burning flesh." (Wiesel 28) They had just arrived to their camp. -
Elie and others are transported to Buna
After spending several weeks in Auschwitz, working and struggling, Elie and other prisoners were transported to Buna. -
Elie forced to give up his Gold Crown
Elie was suppose to get his gold crown pulled out, but the dentist was hung. One day, Eie is working and a guard named, Franek, notices his gold crown. He tells Elie he would trade him for more food. Elie denies it since it is his last item from home. Later on, Franek beats Elie's dad witch forces him to lose his gold crown for nothing. -
Elie's Operation
Elie's right foot had begun to swell from being in the cold. It hurt him and decided to go to the infirmary. Once his foot was examined, te doctor told him that he would need to operate on his foot. If Elie would have waited, his foot and leg might have been amputated. He quickly decided to get it operated. He could not walk for a couple weeks after it was over. -
Evacuating to Gleiwitz
Two days after Elie had his foot operated, he heard rumors of the prisoners being evacuated. The sick could have stayed, but Elie chose to be with his father. The next morning at six o' clock, the prisoners were summoned outside to evacuate. They ran and ran, feeling like they were running for years. They arrived at a abandoned factory where they all stayed. -
The Survival Instincts Appear
One day, the guards start to throw bread inside the vehicles which are filled with prisoners. The men start to fight and kill each other over the food. One son even kills his own father for just a piece of bread "Meir, my little Meir! Don't you recognize me... You're killing your father... I have bread... for you too..."(Wiesel 101) This shows how all the prisoners our trying to survive for themselves, no matter if they are killing their family. -
Elie's dad gets worse
Elie's dad has been getting weaker and weaker each day. The prisoners are starting to beat him for his food and is almost going to die because of his health. He knows he is in bad health but, Elie does not give up on him. -
Elie's Dad is taken and dies
Elie layed in bed on the 28th of January, with his dad resting above him. The next morning, the guards take his dad and dies. Elie did not care about anything after his father's death. -
Elie and the Jews are Free
Elie and the others here sirens going off and went back to their blocks. Around noon, the battle between the Americans and Germans seemed to come to a halt. Afterwards, the prisoners noticed a tank. "At six o' clock that afternoon, the first American tank stood at the gates of Buchenwald."(Wiesel 115) Elie and the Jews were rescued.