
  • Elie meets Moishe

    Elie was thirteen and a religious young boy. He gained a connection with Beadle because Beadle prayed in the synagogue as much as Elie did. They both strongly believed in the Kabbalah.
  • The Expulsion of Foreign Jews

    In Sighet, all the foreign Jews were expelled by the Hungarian police because there was war going on, but the Jews of Sighet didn't quite know what was going on. Moishe was one of the foreign Jews.
  • Moishe's Warning

    Moishe warns the rest of the Jews that what he had witnessed will happen to them. The Jews of Sighet didn't believe him and thought he was insane, but they were just facing the beginning of injustice.
  • Moishe is No Longer the Same

    Elie had heard the foreign Jews faced terrible treatment. They were commanded to get off the train in Poland and onto waitng trucks, which took them to the Galician forest. They were persecuted after working on the trenches in the forest. Moishe was one of the survivors and when he returned to Sighet, he was no longer the man with a waif-like smile.
  • Rosh Hashanah

    Everything seems back to normal. Elie iss celebrating the new year with his family like usual.
  • Rosh Hashanah

    Everything seems back to normal again. Good news came in that Germany
  • The German Army is Coming

    Russia was predicted to defeat Germany so the jews were no longer persecuted. The Jewish elders weren't too worried about the war, until the Fascist power came into power. Anti-Semetic attacks were occuring in Budapest. Then long before they knew it, the german army arrived in the streets of Sighet.
  • The Race Towards Death has Begun

    The 8 days of Passover affected Sighet's Jews. After billeting in homes of the neighbors and even Jewish people, the German officers arrested the Jewish elders. Then came the edicts. First, Jews weren't allowed to leave their homes because of death. Then, the Jews couldn't keep valuables. The valuables were given to the Hungarian police.
  • The Yellow Star

    The last edict had ordered the Jews to wear the Yellow Star. Unfortunately, this was a way to persecute the Jews because the authorities would know the difference between them and everyone else.
  • The Ghettos

    There were two ghettos in Sighet, a large one and a small one. Elie and his family resided in the large one. Everything was fine because everyine was of the same religiion and was able to form a republic in the ghettos.
  • Bad News

    2 weeks before Shavout, the transports arrived at midnight. The ghetto was liquified and the people were departed form very street. Elie's after told Elie to wake the neighbors, because they were possibly headed to a brick factory. The HUngarian police arrived to roll call everyone.
  • The Small Ghetto

    After being roll called by the hungarian police, the Jews had to march to the next ghetto. Elie believed that the hungarians were the first oppressors and ordering the Jewish people to stand in the blazing sun is an act of oppression.
  • The Journey Begins

    The Jews were now heading to their original destination. They had packed into cars eight at a time due to the Hungarian polices orders.
  • No More Valuables

    When the Jews arrived in Czechoslovakia, they were now in command of the German army and were forced to give their valuables to the authorities. Thoses who didn't give their valuables would be shot.
  • The Fire

    Mrs. Schachter was a woman who had her husbands and two older sons deported by mistake. She had become insane because of that separation. During the ride to Auschwitz, she kept warning the Jews that there were flames. However, no one believed her until they arrived at the camp.
  • The First Day in Camp

    In the camp, the men were separated from the women. Elie was with his father on the left and his sisters and mother on the right. In order for his father and him to not get separated, they lied abput their age. The men were ordered to strip and have their heads shaved. Some of them weeped because they didn't want to be there.
  • A New Barrack and Name

    Elie and his father were sent to a Gypsy camp. They still were ordered to run and were whipped if they didn't run fast enough. Elie was also given a new name. He was now A-7713.
  • A Family Reunion

    Days went by and a relative of the Wiesels had arrived at Aushwitz. Stein from Antwerp was Elie's cousin and he had a wife named Reizel and two sons. He also believed that they were still alive, but Elie wasn't sure because he and his family have not heard form them for about a year.
  • The Real News

    Three weeks after residing in Auschwitz, Stein had given both Elie and his father rations of bread. When there was news of a transport from Antwerp, he became excited. When he left, he never came back, because he heard the real news (Reizel and his sons are no longer alive).
  • The Next Camp

    Elie, his father, and some men were transfered to a new camp called Buna. They passed by German citizens that just stared at them.
  • New Friends

    In Buna, Elie was to work at the warehouse of electrical materials. He had met Juliek form Poland and Louis form Holland. Both Juliek and Louis were musicians that worked in warehouse of electrical materials as well.
  • The Dentist

    After lunch, Elie was ordered to go the dentist. Elie didn;t find out the reason until he saw a line of people getting their golden crowns removed. Elei didn't get his crown removed becasue he made excuses until three days later when the dentist office was shut down.
  • A Public Whipping

    Wiesel is whipped in front of the entire camp because he saw Idek, their "warden", sleeping with a woman.
  • Two Cauldrons of Soup!

    During an air raid, while the SS is in shelters, the Jewish prisoners have to decide whether to run for the food or to stay indoors. One man goes for it but is shot and killed
  • The French Girl

    After receiving a blow from Idek, the warehouse manager, Elie was given a ration of bread by a young French girl who worked in the warehouse with him. She had passed as an Aryan and was in the force labor unit. She told him that he shouldn't be angry or hateful during this time because his anger and hate will make his situation worse.
  • The soup tasted better than ever...

    Theprisoners are forced to wait for food unitl a prisoner is executed. Wiesel says it tasted better than ever when they could finally eat.
  • Franek Wants Elie's Crown

    Franek wanted Elie's crown, but he refused to give his crown uo because it could be used for survival. Elie had confronted his father about the situation and Elie's father disagreed. So Franek had tormented his father because Elie's father never marched in time. Elie attempted to teach his father, but his father never learned how to march in time properly.
  • The soup tasted like corpses....

    After winessing a small boy be hanged and have a slow painful death Wiesel and the other prisoners are very upsey. That night Wiesel says the soup tasted like corpses.
  • New Years Gift

    The SS ended roll call quickly nd distributed soup. However, Wiesel is transferred to a construction Kommando, and he and the other prisoners must survive a selection. Both Wiesel and his father pass.
  • Swollen Foot

    Wiesel's foot begins to swell and he is sent to the infirmary. He stays in the infirmary until the camp is evacuated due to the encroaching Russians. He and his father decide to leave instead of staying.
  • The March of Death

    The prisoners are forced to march for hours through the freezing cold. They stop at an abandoned village where many of them simply lay doan and die in the snow.
  • Gleiwitz

    Wiesel and the other prisoners make it to Gleiwitz, the next camp, where they all crush eachother in attempting to find shelter in the barracks. Wiesel survives by finding a small hole to get air through.
  • A Concert for the Dead

    Wiesel hears his friend Juliek playing his violin in the darkness. The next morning Wiesel woke up and found Juliek dead with his broken violin laying next to him.
  • Fighting for Scraps

    As the prisoners travel in train cars to the next camp some Germans throw a few pieces of bread to them. This causes a fight in which a man kills his own father and then is killed over a bread crust. Wiesel notices that those throwing the bread find it amusing.
  • Attempted Murder

    A mystery person attempts to strangle Wiesel while on the train. Their motives are unknown.
  • A Dying Father

    After they arrived at the camp Elie's fahter's condition begins to worsen. He has dysentery and is slowly dying. Wiesel wants to want to save his father but a little part of him is happy that he soon won't have to deal with him. His father dies on the night of the 28th of January while Elie is sleeping.
  • Buchenwald

    While on the train the prisoners attempt to move to keep from freezing to death. At one point they all begin to moan and cry creating a sort of "death rattle". When the train arrives at Buchenwald only twelve of the original 100 in the car were alive.
  • Meaningless and the Wheel of History

    Wiesel remained in Buchenwald until April 11. He does recount this time other than to say " life during that period. It no longer mattered." On April 5 the evacuation of the camp began.
  • The Resistance

    The underground resistance of the camp took control and at six o'clock that afternoon the Americans arrived in the camp.
  • Mirror

    The last thing Wiesel describes in his memoir is seeing himself in a mirror. Never throughout the entire memoir does he see himself until this last moment. The look in that "corpses'" eyes has never left him.
  • Long Time No See

    He comes across the French woman again in Paris. After Elie and the French woman chatted, he leraned that she was originally a jewbuit had false papers and passedas an Aryan.