When all was ok.
When Ellie and all the town of Sighet where happy. The war wasnt arrived there. -
Moishe was deported
Moishe was deported to Poland. Because he was an foreign, the Germans try to kill him but he survived. When he came back nobody believe him -
They conquered Hungary
The Germans arrived to Sighet. But all stay as the same the Germans where good people to the Jews of Sighet. -
The Ghettos came
The Germans nicely put them in Ghettos and make them use a yellow star. All the Jews where ok. They didnt care about the Ghetto. -
They where in the train
In this event, the things start getting worst. They put 80 jews in a small train and they arrived to Virkenau -
Almost death
When they arrived. After the family was separated, Ellie was about to die but a miracle put him in Aushwitz. -
Elie Arrives to Buna
Buna was a concentration camp that they were sent to after Auschwitz, he described it as very emptry and with very little people. He was formed into ranks and sent to work. -
The first Human Words
After weeks there. They where suffering they where slaves. And his capo said the first human words. "Good Night" -
He Meets Juliek the Young Violinist
Juliek was a man of his age aproximately that was a violinist, they were separated afterwards but they find eachother again afterwards. -
Franek tortures Elies father to get his Gold Crown
Franek knew the weak spot of Elie to get his gold Crown, his father. He tortured and made him work very hard to get Elie to give it. -
Gets hit by Idek and meets the French Girl
Elie gets hit by Idek, a polish Jew kapo that beat Elie to the ground and hit him very hard. When this was over a French Girl picked him up and helped him. -
Rosh Hashana in Buna
This is when Elie completley loses his faith in god. He does not believe in the salvation, she thinks everybody will die. "Why, but why would I bless Him? Every fiber in me rebelled.Because He caused thousands of children to burn in His mass graves?" -
Yom Kipur
In this time, Elie decides to not fast in the name of god, he could, it was normal to him, but he didnt because he didnt have any respect for god anymore. -
Second Selection
Yosi and Tibi passed the selection and Elie ran as fast as he could. His Father thought he had passed becaue Mengele did not write his name. But he did and the father had to go to selection again, and he passed. -
Elie gets operated
Elie gets illness in the leg and he goes to the doctor, he was a jewish doctor. He was operated immediately befor his leg got worse. He stayed in the nursury in the concentration camp. -
They decide to go to march
Ellie and his father decided to leave Buna to go to Germany. The people that stay survived. -
In the march...
Ellie and his father marched for days with no food. They almost died. -
They get to a shelter
When they arrived to the shelter. All the people that start sleeping, all die. -
A boy leave his father
The son of a good father, decide to leave him because he was doing a bad him for the son to survive. -
They arrived to Glewitz
They arrived after a week arrived to a camp in Germany. They didnt stay long there. -
They start walking again
After 3 days in the camp, the Russian where close so they had to walk again to the train -
In the road...
While they where about to start the march. They start eating snow of the back of the other prissoners. -
Death Stops
There were two to three stops in train, and they put the bodies of the dead out in the snow. -
Elies father "dies"
The soldiers were clearing the wagon and the father of Elie was sleeping but he was presumed dead. Elie started hitting his father so he could wake up -
In the train
In the train they where a long time, with no food and no space 100 people start the way. -
A guy tries to strangle Elie because of no reason and his father had to save Elie and get him of his back. -
Arrival to Buchenwald
They went through the entire process again and was in that concentration camp with his father, his father was being abused all day. -
Elies Dad Dies
Schlomo was very tired of life, even though Elie gave him his portions of food and atended him, he couldnt defend him from the poles. He lets him die, the sad thing, is he felt he was okay and didnt say Kaddish -
Elie sees himself in the mirror
This is the first time that he sees himself in the mirror, he saw a corpse in the mirror stareing at him. He didnt recognize himself.