
By b3asty
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    A town in Crisana-Maramures, N.W. Romania, apart of Hungary. Jews had settled there by the 17th century
  • Sighet Ghettos

    Sighet Ghettos
    Elie, his family, and many other Jews were forced into these Ghettos.
  • Train Cars

    Train Cars
    This was the deportation of Jews from this ghetto. It lasted from May 16th - May 22nd, 1944. Elie and other Jews were put into this train car, hopeful they would go someplace better.
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    This is the death camp, Auschwitz. Elie and his family were separated here. He stayed with his father while his mother and sisters were taken someplace else. They stayed in this camp for three weeks.
  • Birkenau

    This is a subcamp in Auschwitz, Elie and his father went to this camp and this is where he got his tattoo A-7713
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    He worked here for a year. It was a good camp since it had very few prisoners and he had a good Kommando
  • Gleiwitz

    After three straight days of walking in the snow, Elie and his father make it to this camp. The Germans make another selection and the Jews have to throw out the dead bodies, some Jews mistaking his fathers for a dead body. They stay at this camp for three days then get moved again.
  • Buchenwald

    This camp came right after Gleiwit, this is the camp where his father dies.
  • Paris

    On April 11th, Elie escapes and makes it to Paris. This is where he became a writer