
  • Sighet

    This is where Elie lived all his life before the Nazi's invaded. This is also where Elie met Moshe The Beatle. He lived in Sighet all his life until the Nazi's forcefully moved him in 1944.
  • Sighet (Ghetto's)

    Sighet (Ghetto's)
    At this time Elie and his family was banished to the ghettos by the Germans. There was a multiple day period where all the other Jews were getting round up into the train cars. Elie witnessed this and hoped that what was happening was good for the Jews.
  • Train Car

    Train Car
    A few weeks after Elie was put into the ghetto's he got rounded up and put into a train car to transport him to a camp. During the train car ride a Old lady starts yelling about fire and flames. Her yelling starts making the Jews doubt that they are going to a good place.
  • Auschwitz

    This was where the Train car dropped Elie and the rest of the Jews off. After this they would line up and be judged wther they would be burnt or not. Elie "luckily" doesn't get burnt. This is also the last time that he ever saw his mother.
  • Birkenau

    This is the first camp that Elie went to, it was a sub camp inside of Auschwitz. He spent most of his time in concentration camps here. This is where he worked in a Factory along with his father.
  • Buna 1944-1945

    Buna 1944-1945
    After Elie was sent to the left side he spent a few days in Birkenau and then was transported to Buna where he would then on spend a year or so working in the concentration camp there.
  • Gleiwitz

    After the long and enduring walk the Jews finally arrive to Gleiwitz. They stayed there for 3 days and then they were round up in trains and inspected by the Nazi's to see if the Jews were alive.
    During the inspection the Nazi's almost mistake Elie's father for the dead, The Jews were then loaded onto the train heading for Buchenwald.
  • Buchenwald.

    During his time in Birkenau Elie got a foot infection and was sent to hosipital, The nazi's evacuated the Jews and themselves due to the fact the camp was going to be liberated with russians. Despite his foot ingury Elie decides to evacuate with the Nazi's. After walking miles he arrives at the camp Buchenwald where his father perished after the long walk.
  • Paris

    After Buchenwald got liberated by U.S troops Elie then went on to study in Paris. During this time in Paris he became a journalist. This is where he became interested in Jerusalem.