

  • Embarrassing

    "Physically, he was as awkward as a clown." Wiesel3
  • Listen Now!

    Listen Now!
    "Jews, listen to me! Thats all i ask of you. No money. No pity. Just listen to me! (Wiesel 7)
  • Nighty Night

    Nighty Night
    "Sleep peacefully, children. Nothing will happen until the day after tomorrow, Tuesday." (Wiesel 18)
  • Possessed

    "Later, her sobs and scrreams became hysterical." (Wiesel 24)
  • Hallucinating

    "She is hallucinating because she is thirsty, poor women.. Thats why she speaks of flames devouring her..." ( Wiesel 25)
  • Cheer Up

    Cheer Up
    "Dont waste your tears" (Wiesel 36)

    "Was there here a single place where one was not in danger of death" (Wiesel 40)
  • Concentration camp

    Concentration camp
    "You are in a concentration camp. In Auschwitz" (Wiesel 38)
  • Hurry Much ?

    Hurry Much ?
    "The fast you run, the faster you'll get to go to sleep," (Wiesel 41)
  • New Camp-Buna

    New Camp-Buna
    "After four hours, we arrived at the new camp, Buna. The iron gate closed behind us. ( Wiesel 43)