
  • 2.1 Typical Maturer

    The text said that early maturers are more likely to have increased number of problems. I kind of disagree with it a little because I matured typical and at almost same time with my peers and that does not make me bound to "problem free" adolescence. The text also said that early-maturing girls were more likely to have many sexual partners. I know few people who matured at the same time as I did had more sexual partners that I did. Maturing really depends on the environmental factors too.
  • 6.1 Parent Adolescent Conflict

    In the text describes that changes in marital relationship will affect parent-adolescent relationship. As I started to mature and my thinking changes towards religion. I decided to stop going to church and my dad was not too happy. Later when my parents divorced, I never saw my father again. It definitely caused a strain in our relationship when a person cannot accept the changes in family and children.
  • 2.2 Niche-Picking

    Picking types of environment matching my genotypes is hard when I was in high school. I did not find myself until I went in college. However, I could say that I was very athletic and skilled in volleyball so my niche-picking environment is after school sports and athletes. My mother was an avid cheerleader so "being athlete" is my genotype affected by my genes. Selecting that environment effected my development by keeping myself in shape, do well in school and develop a passion for something.
  • 1.1 Entering Adolescence

    Oct 10, 2008 is my birthday when I turned thirteen. I thought I became adolescent when I turned thirteen because of the word in the age "teen". Having my period and mood swings made me adolescent. I started having growth spurt and horomonal changes. My body started growing and changing into a teenager. Therefore, my transition matches the described in Santrock (2014).
  • 3.1 Personal Fable

    March 2009 was the time where my first boyfriend broke up with me. I became lonely and depressed to the point where I created world of magic because my real life was "tragic". I did not share with my mother about this because I thought I was invulnerable. I had a journal when I was in high school, there were lot of fantasy written on it. But my mom knew there's something wrong so helped me to face my feelings and move on.
  • 7.1 Transition to High School

    The text explained that transition from middle school to high school can be stressful due to many changes. I faced a lot of changes during my transition to high school like my parents divorced. I did not experience top-dog phenomenon because I was still 13 when I entered high school. I was still short and childish.
  • 7.3 Intrinsic Motivation

    My intrinisc motivation will fire up more if the topic I am interested in. Like for example, my honors English teacher taught us all about Greek Mythology and I was determined to know them all. I was really motivated and curious to learn more about Greek Mythology. I really gave my 100% effort in projects she assigns us on Greek Mythology. If the homework is somewhat related to math, I would not give my full attention, motivation and effort.
  • 3.2 Self-Protection

    When I was adolescent, I would say that I am friendly, nice, smart and easy-going. Instead of describing myself as reserved, quiet, and passive. It is because I am protecting myself from people seeing negative side of me regardless being reserved and quiet is not always a bad thing.
  • 8.1 Rite of Passasge

    I thought that my sixteenth birthday was my experience of rite of passage. My mother held me a small Sweet 16 party. My family is not a traditional family with rituals. Although it is a "tradition" to Americans to celebrate Sweet 16. In the text, Western industrialized countries are notable for their lack of rites of passage. It is probably the reason why I didn't exactly experience rite of passage.
  • 3.3 Social Comparison

    Before describing myself, I usually look over what my peers said on their self describing answers. And I would ask people how do they describe me then use that answers as mine. The text said that most adolescents think by using social comparison will reduce your popularity. That is the exactly what I thought when I was a teenager.
  • 6.2 Companionship

    There was a best friend that I grew up together since 3rd grade. I always spend time with her by going over to her house and her coming to my house. We played volleyball together for 9 years. It is a companionship friendship because we were so familar with each other so well that we share similar interests and companionship.
  • 6.3 Intimacy/Affection

    When my ex boyfriend and I broke up, I was really sad, alone and confused. There was a boy who I grew up with since 6th grade who supported me the way to recovery. I shared a lot, self-disclosure, to him more than I did with my companionship best friend. He would sometimes come over to cuddle with me to make me feel better. He would ask me if I was okay.
  • 7.2 Transition to College

    As text said, there might be stress of changing. But there is not for me for my transition from high school to college. It was actually liberating. I did not replay any top-dog phenomenon. I was happier because I met people similar with me. I do not think that my transition to college matches the text.
  • 1.2 Emerging Adulthood

    I think I became adult when I first entered college. I found my identity when I became a college student. I found my comfort zone and peace with my emotional distress during my adolescence. I found a major that I am passionate in and determined what I want to work in the future. In Santrock (2014), the transition described in emerging adulthood "identity exploration, what lifestyle they want to adopt, exploring their career paths." Therefore, my transition fits as described in the textbook.