Nicole Wilfert's Screening Tests

  • Birth

    The birth of Nicole
  • Clinical Breast Exam

    Clinical Breast Exam
    This diagnostic test being perfomed is A Clinical Breast examination. The type of cancer trying to be diagnosed is done with a mammorgram.A Cinical Breast Exam is done every 3 years for women between their 20's and 30's but for women 40 and older are typically done every year.
  • HPV/ Cervical Cancer Tests

    HPV/ Cervical Cancer Tests
    HPV tests can be done at the same time as the Pap test. A Pap test plus and HPV test is a better way to find early cervical cancers. Once you stopped talking the tests, you should not start again. These test should be done from women ages 30-65 and should be taken every 5 years. From the ages of 21-29, a Pap test should be done every 3 years and an HPV test should not be done.
  • Endometrial Cancer

    Endometrial Cancer
    This cancer forms in the tissue that lines the uterus. This cancer begins within the cells and gets released in the body through mucus and other fluids. This cancer forms normally around the time of menopause. You should ask your doctor how often you should get screened based on your results. Some women need yearly endometrial biopsy. Treatment includes surgery, chemotherapy or immunotherapy.
  • Colorectal Cancer and Polyps

    Colorectal Cancer and Polyps
    This diagnost test being performed is a Colon test. A stool DNA test is collected to look for blood and polyps in the stool. Women around the age of 50 should get tests that find polyps and cancer in the colon. Should be perfomed every 10 years. A yearly fecal sample should be observed every year. Also, a double-contract barium enema should be testsed every 5 years and also a flexible sigmolgoscopy also every 5 years.
  • Nicole's Death

    Nicole's Death
    After a very sucessful life, Nicole passes away