Nicks Timeline

  • Birth

    i popped out da womb like the kool-ade man "OH YA"! I was born in the Simi Valley hospital. I was a happy and healthy baby!
  • The move from Simi Valley, California to Mesa, Arizona

    The move from Simi Valley, California to Mesa, Arizona
    After I was born my parents and i moved to Arizona because my grandparents moved there. We wanted to be closer to family so we sold our place and moved in next door to my grandparents, and about 5 miles away from my Great Grandma
  • 1st trip to Disneyland

    1st trip to Disneyland
    My family and I went to Disneyland and started a tradition of fun! We go to Disney so often its like I live there.
  • My dad starts singing on cruise ships

    My dad starts singing on cruise ships
    My dad works on cruise ships and sings in their bars. Because of this I have got to travel the world and meet some amazing people.
  • Enrolled into Hermosa Vista elementary

    Enrolled into Hermosa Vista elementary
    I was out of district for this school, but the school I was supposed to go to had an armed gunman walking though it on the news the night of when we visited. There was no way i has going to school there. The next day, i enrolled at Hermosa Vista and that's where I stayed!
  • Well, i thought I was perfect...

    Well, i thought I was perfect...
    I was sick so I decided to take penicillin... NEWS FLASH, Im super allergic to penicillin...
  • Stared in my first commercial

    Stared in my first commercial
    I was like 7ish and i went to a commercial audition with my mom and i didn't want to audition but they made me and I got the part! The commercial was for APS (the power company)

    After my 12th birthday my family and I went to 9 countries. We went to Italy, France,Turkey, Israel, Greece, Spain, Jordan, Lebanon, Monaco, and the Vatican City! My favourite was France (but don't let the other countries know that).
  • "Little Mermaid"

    "Little Mermaid"
    In junior high I starred in a production of "The Little Mermaid". I played Chef Loui and got to chase everyone around with a cleaver! (what fun)
  • Halloween Horror Nights: Universal Studios Orlando

    Halloween Horror Nights: Universal Studios Orlando
    Horror Nights is when Universal transformed their entire park into a haunted house, basically. It is absolutely amazing and terrifying!
  • SCAD: The Savannah College Of Art and Design

    SCAD: The Savannah College Of Art and Design
    Over the summer I enrolled to Scad and it was an amazing! I took a photography class and a drawing class! I passed both off my courses so i have 2 college credits!!