Nick Zangus World History

By Nzang
  • 1415

    Prince Henry, his father and his older brothers led an attack on Ceuta,

    Ceuta was a town in Morocco along the Strait of Gibralter
  • Period: 1440 to 1450

    Johannes Gutenberg invented printing press

  • Nov 1, 1478

    Spanish Inquisition begins

    Spain ruled by Tomas de Torquemada
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus discovered San Salvador in the Carribean

    Island in the Bahamas
  • Period: 1495 to 1498

    Leonardo Da Vinci paints The Last Supper

    Covers an end wall of the dining hall at the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, Italy.
  • 1498

    Vasco Da Gama sailed across the Indian ocean by going around Africa

    First to ever do so
  • 1503

    Leonardo Da Vinci paints Mona Lisa

    Became famous because it was stolen
  • 1508

    Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel

    Took four years
  • 1509

    Desiderius Erasmus wrote the Praise of Folly

    One of the most important books of Renaissance Humanism
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther writes 95 theses

    Nailed his 95 theses to the Wittenberg Castle church
  • 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan named the Pacific Ocean

    First crew to sail around the world
  • 1521

    Hernan Cortes conquered the Aztecs

    Located in Mexico
  • 1533

    Francisco Pizarro conquered the Incas

    Francisco Pizarro captures Inca Empire in Peru
  • 1534

    Society of Jesus founded by St. Ignatius of Layola,

    Jesuits were a Roman Catholic group
  • 1534

    King Henry VII Brakes free of papal control and Establishes Anglican Church

    Same as Catholic church, but King or Queen is in charge
  • 1534

    Jacques Cartier explored Canada, North America

    Jacques Cartier was an explorer for France
  • 1536

    John Calvin starts Calvinism

    Made Switzerland a Theocracy
  • 1542

    Roman Inquisition Begins

    Full name is Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition
  • 1543

    The Scientific Revolution begins

    Conducting Experiments, New tools/instruments, curiosity, Math, New observations, mystery/questioning ancient beliefs were causes of the scientific revolution
  • 1543

    Nicolaus Copernicus’s introduces heliocentric model of the Universe

    Demonstrated that the earth revolves around the sun.
  • Period: 1545 to 1563

    The counter-reformation church needed to clearly define doctrines meetings in Trent with church leaders met 3 times

  • 1559

    Queen Elizabeth made Anglican church official church of England

  • 1564

    Galileo Galilei looked at the sun in his telescope studied the stars and moon

    Discovered craters on the moon and confirmed heliocentric model.
  • Period: 1577 to 1580

    Francis Drake sailed across the whole world and was the second person to do it

  • Miguel de Cervantes writes Don Quixote

    Full name is The Ingenious Nobleman Sir Quixote of La Mancha
  • Period: to

    Thirty Years War

    Fought in Europe
  • Johannes Kepler came up with Laws of Planetary Motion

    Helped prove the heliocentric model correct
  • William Harvey is first to recognize the full circulation of the blood

    Described how blood circulated the heart and the veins and the body
  • Period: to

    Louis XIV comes to power

    Ruler of France
  • Charles I is executed

    Due to his bad leadership
  • Thomas Hobbes wrote The Leviathan

    Said that the main purpose of a government was to maintain order in society, figured and absolute monarch would be best.
  • Oliver Cromwell becomes dictator

    People dont like his rule
  • Louis XIV builds a palace called Versaille

    Was an old Hunting Lounge, strained Frances economy
  • Period: to

    Peter Great rules Russia

    Lasted 45 years
  • Law of Motion is founded

    Founded once again by Sir Isaac Newton
  • Law of Gravity is founded

    Founded by Sir Isaac Newton
  • William and Mary took the throne

    Bill of rights was also passed
  • John Locke wrote Two Treatises on Government

    Said that people had natural rights that were Life, Liberty, and Property
  • Peter the Great introduces standing army

    Took best parts of both Governmental systems
  • Period: to

    Fredrick the Great fights war of Austrian succession

    Ends in Victory for Fredrick the Great
  • Baron de Montesquieu wrote the Spirit of Laws

    Said a separation of powers and that they need to be checked by each other
  • Voltaire wrote Candide

    And wrote against prejudice, superstition, and intolerance
  • Jean Jacques Rousseau wrote the Social Contract

    Said that Only legitimate government rules with the consent of the people
  • Napoleon crowns himself emperor of France

    Loses in the battle of Waterloo in 1815
  • Liberty Leading the People was painted

    Painted by Eugene Delacroix