
Nic Scheff From Beautiful Boy

  • Nic is Born

    Nic is Born
    The baby is due sometime in July. David and Vicki has prepared months in advanced for their baby by making a nursery, buying toys, and children books. Nic is born to David and Vicki Scheff on July 20th of 1982. Vicki has the contractions after midnight on that morning and David drives them both to the hospital to give birth.
  • Nic Begins Kindergarten

    Nic Begins Kindergarten
    Nic is now 5 years old and begins kindergarten at a progressive San Francisco school. Nic shows creativity in the artistic programs they have such as clay, finger-painting, and inimitable wardrobe. Nic is showing he is social by having an eclectic group of friends who he regularly plays with at the Golden Gate Park.
  • Nic is in the fourth grade

    Nic is in the fourth grade
    Nic is now a fourth grader. He plays on his local Little League Baseball team, and his coach tell David that Nic is a leader and other kids look to him for guidance. Nic is casted for a car commercial. Nic is the center of attention at school and social gatherings.
  • Weekend at Lake Tahoe

    Weekend at Lake Tahoe
    David, Karen, Nic, and Phillip (one of Nic’s friends) go to Lake Tahoe on a ski trip the weekend before Jasper was born. That trip was the first time Nic has gotten drunk. The night that David and Karen went to sleep early, Nic and Phillip decided to mix rum, bourbon, tequila, vermouth, and scotch. The next day, David and Karen were awakened by the sound of the two of them throwing up in the downstairs bathrooms.
  • Nic enters the seventh grade

    Nic enters the seventh grade
    Nic is now in the seventh grade. Nic has been spending his time with a new group of boys rather than the carpool kids he talked to. When David picked Nic up one time after school he smelt cigarette smoke and Nic admitted to doing a couple puffs. Later, David is packing Nic a bag for Nic’s sleep over at his friend’s house and when looking for Nic’s jacket in his backpack, David finds a small bag of marijuana.
  • Nic's Freshmen year at High school

    Nic's Freshmen year at High school
    Nic is in his freshmen year of high school located on the 115-year-old campus of a former military academy. Nic has secured a spot on the school’s freshmen basketball team and has gotten a role in the school play. The school’s freshmen dean has called David to inform him that Nic has been suspended for buying marijuana on campus. The dean tells David that Nic would get a second chance, but he is required to attend drug and alcohol counseling.
  • Nic's junior year at high school

    Nic's junior year at high school
    Nic’s junior year is his most productive year at high school. Nic has made a close group of friends with whom he shares concerns. Nic loves all his classes and joins the school newspaper as an editor. Nic submits and article he wrote to the annual Ernest Hemingway Writing Award for high school journalist and wins first prize. Nic applies to a summer program an Paris to study the French language at the American University there after his teacher encourages him.
  • Nic's senior year at high school

    Nic's senior year at high school
    Nic is now in his senior year of high school. The ulcer he got from doing many drugs in Paris has now healed. He quits his swimming and water-polo teams, and newspaper, and he begins to cut his classes. Nic starts spending a lot of time away from home and starts to hang out with stoners.
  • Nic goes to college

    Nic goes to college
    Nic has decided to attend Berkeley College. The whole family drives to the college to help Nic move in. Nic is engaged in his classes especially his painting course. After a while, Nic starts complaining about his courses and his professors. Nic stops regularly returning David’s calls. One of Nic’s roommates calls David telling him that he hasn’t seen Nic in a couple days.
  • Nic uses Meth

    Nic uses Meth
    Nic has decided to drop out of Berkeley and he returns home. David has discovered that Nic has missed his curfew, and Nic is missing for four days. David tells Nic that he has to go to rehab, and Nic agrees. On the morning of the appointment, Nic yells at David and refuses to go to the appointment. David finds out that Nic used meth after Nic said he wont use it again.
  • Nic goes to Rehab

    Nic goes to Rehab
    David forces Nic to go to an Oakland rehab center, but they said they couldn’t help Nic and suggest they go elsewhere. David has found a place called Ohlhoff Recobery in San Francisco. Nic begins a twenty-eight day program at Ohlhoff. After three days at the rehab, Nic calls and begs to come home.
  • Nic goes to New York

    Nic goes to New York
    Nic agrees to New York with family friends to detox. David finds out that Nic tried to steal $500 dollars from him by writing a check on the closed account. David receives a call from Nic’s stepfather informing him that Nic has overdosed and is in the hospital emergency on life support. If the EMT team hadn’t responded right away Nic could have died.
  • Herbert House

    Herbert House
    After Hazelden closed, Nic goes to Herbert house in Culver City. Nic likes it at Herbert House and becomes good friends with the other patients. Nic gets a new AA sponser whom Nic really enjoys being with and inspires Nic. Nic gets a job at Promises, a place where he can help other people get over their addictions.
  • Nic breaks in

    Nic breaks in
    Nic goes missing again and is gone for a week so far. One morning Karen tells David that something is different in their house and they come to a conclusion that Nic broke in. David and Karen have already closed their bank accounts and canceled their credit cards because of Nic. Karen spots Nic in his car and follows him, but she gives up after an hour. Nic calls and tells David that he has relapsed with meth and heroin.
  • Nic Relapses

    Nic Relapses
    Nic calls David crying and asking him to call. David calls Nic and finds out that Nic has relapsed with his girlfriend Z, they have been high for three days using speedballs and meth. David tells Nic he needs help then Nic hangs up. David knows it takes two years for an addict to fully recover, Nic has never made it to two years of being drug free.