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New world

  • Dec 1, 1492

    Spanish Exploration

    Spanish Exploration
    Christopher Columbus established first colony in Americas on Hispaniola and named it Navidad.
  • Jan 1, 1494

    Spanish Exploration

    Columbus came back to find Navidad destroyed, then founded Isabella.
  • Sep 3, 1496

    Spanish Exploration

    Isabella also failed. They finally established the first permanent settlement, Santo Domingo.
  • Sep 3, 1509

    Spanish Exploration

    Juan Ponce de Leon was first spaniard to tough the present United States.
  • Sep 3, 1513

    Spanish Exploration

    Vasco Nunez de Balboa in Columbia trecked across the Isthmus of Panama and discovered the Pacific Ocean
  • Sep 3, 1513

    Spanish Exploration

    King Ferdinand awarded de Leon a patent to conquer the Bimini Islands in the Bahamas. It was believed that was where the fountain of youth was to be found.
  • Sep 3, 1519

    Spanish Exploration

    Alonso Alvarez de Pineda took an expedition to prove that Florida was actually part of a continent.
  • Sep 3, 1521

    Spanish Expedition

    Francisco Gordillo landed on South Carolina.
  • Sep 3, 1522

    Spanish Exploration

    Vessel of the Ferdinand Magellan expedition completed the first circumnavigation of the globe.
  • Jan 1, 1524

    French - Giovanni da Verrazano

    The king in France sent an Italian explorer, Giovanni da Verrazano, to search for a way to and through the New World.
  • Jan 1, 1534

    French - Jacques Cartier

    http://www.history.com/topics/exploration/jacques-cartier/videosHe was sent by Francis, the king of France, to exlore the northeast part of the Americas to search for the passage to the Orient.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1535 to Jan 1, 1536

    French Exploration

    The French came to the New World so that they can find money and to find a way to the Pacific Ocean.
  • English - Roanoke

    Sir Walter Raleigh set out for the new world in 1585. He landed on Roanoke Island, a small island on the coast of NC.
  • Tension - English Exploartion

    When the colonist on Roanoke Island supplies started to run low tensions started to rise. Raleigh and his mean ended up leaving after beheading the local Indian chief Wingina.
  • We Come in Peace - English Exploration

    In 1587 Raleigh and his men returned to Roanoke planning on peace but the indians had not forgotten what he had done. The Indians captured Raleigh and his wife and his Daughter and forced John white to return to England.
  • War - English Exploration

    John Whites intesions were to come back immediately after seeking help but a war broke out between Spain and England and his ship was ceased so that it could be used in the war. White wasn't able to return until 1590. upon his arrival he could not find anybody all he could find was a craving in a tree CROATOAN.
  • French - Samuel De Champlain

    He was credited for finding Quebec in 1608.
  • French - Samuel De Champlain

    Discovered a lake, and it is now named after him, Lake Champlain. The lake was named in 1609, and it is located on the border of New York and Vermont.
  • French - Jacques Marquette & Louis Joliet

    Joliet, Marquette, and five other men rode canoes along the shores of Lake Michian and then went on to the Mississippi. Marquette and Joliet walked over to an Illinois India village and were reognized by Marquette's robe and they were welcomed. When they left the chief of the village gave them a calumet, a piece pipe, and let his 10 year old son to help guide them on their way back home.
  • Spanish Exploration

    Juan Bautista de Anza II arrived in Monteray California.