New Nation

  • Constitution

    Members met in Philadelphia PA to strengthen the federal
    government. The new constitution replaced the articles of confederation.
  • State Constitutional Convention

    State Constitutional Convention
    The continental congress told the states to wright there own constitutions, and because the congress met up in Philadelphia Pennsylvania was one of the first to wright it. The states constitution was considered “an extremely radical document” because, it gave power to the common citizen, and not to the hands of the wealthy elite.
  • Bill of rights

    Bill of rights
    When the leaders decided to make a new confederation, the people didn’t really want it to be legal. They wanted it to contain a ‘bill of rights’ so they could have freedoms the government couldn’t change; so once they added it the people finally agreed to make it legal.
  • Whiskey Tax

    Whiskey Tax
    When the U.S. puts a tax on whiskey it makes hardships for everyone especially the farmers who got there profit form making whisky from corn. When the government did this it made many people angry which made them to rebel.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    The government, with no money, tried to tax the people on whiskey, but they decided to fight back. Yet in the end, they got picked of and were stopped; thus giving the government more power to tax the people then they had in the first place.
  • Political Party’s are Established

    Political Party’s are Established
    At first there weren’t any Political Party’s because George Washington was against it, because he said it would divide the nation. Yet people still still had feeling for how much power the government had, so the Political Party’s were formed anyway.
  • Fries Rebellion

    Fries Rebellion
    The government were trying to tax people on houses and the numbers of windows in each house. But many people would rebel and would do things to the tax collectors; but fries and a group of people went to stop this tax, yet were stoped, and fries was sentenced to death.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    When the U.S. told on the British for harassing there ships, they did nothing, so years after with no stop to this they decided it could not be tolerated any longer. So presaging James Madison decided to declare war, and Pennsylvania strongly supported it.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    Th battle of Lake Erie was fought by two sides, the American and the British. The two sides were both fighting for the ownership of the Great Lakes.
  • The Treaty of Ghent ends the war of 1812

    The Treaty of Ghent ends the war of 1812
    The war did not resolve in either country losing land, yet it did convince the country that they would be able to fend of any foreign threats. The war ushered a time in history called “the era of good feeling” a time when America felt unified by a purpose of peace and prosperity.