New Nation

  • The Pennsylvania state constitution

    The Pennsylvania state constitution
    Pennsylvania leaders played a major role in the events that determined the growth of the new nation. The continental congress directed the states to write their own state constitutions.
  • Constitution

    Members met in Philadelphia PA to strengthen the federal government. The new constitution replaced the articles of confederation.
  • Fries rebellion

    Fries rebellion
    German Americans of eastern Pennsylvania rose to protest another direct tax this time the tax was on land, houses, and slaves. When attempts Were made to collect the new tax in eastern Pennsylvania, tempers flared.
  • Articles of confederation

    Articles of confederation
    The purpose If it was to amend or change, the articles. The changes were so numerous, the leaders decided to replace the articles with a whole new constitution.
  • A new state Constitution

    A new state Constitution
    While Americans were writing a new federal constitution, Pennsylvania were becoming dissatisfied with their state condition.
  • The whiskey rebellion

    The whiskey rebellion
    The whiskey rebellion and Fries Rebellion shook Pennsylvanias ideas of government.
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    The British harassed the American ships and sometimes they took U.S citizens and were forced to join the British army. United States officials complained about these actions on the high seas, but British officials ignored these complaints. In 1812 President James Madison decided the British violations of the American rights could no longer be tolerated, so he asked congress for a declaration of war.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    General Andrew Jackson defeated a large force of British troops. Americans around the country rejoiced over the United States.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    The war was fought in only two places in Pennsylvania. The battle of Lake Erie, however, was much more important. Oliver Hazard Perry had defeated the British and caused their commander to surrender.
  • The Treaty Of Ghent

    The Treaty Of Ghent
    The treaty of Ghent officials ended the war of 1812. The war dragged on until finally the Americans were able to reach a peace treat with England.