Emergency Banking Relief Act
This declared a national bank holiday to allow the bank to recover.
First New Deal -
Civilian Conservation Corp
Provided national conservation work, primarily to young unmarried men,
First New Deal
Recovery -
Federal Emergency Relief Administration
This was a startup fund of $500 million to help the needy and unemployed.
First New Deal
Relief -
Agricultural Adjustment Act
Reducing agricultural production, export surpluses, and raising the prices to support farmers.
First New Deal
Recovery -
Home Owner's Refinancing Act
Emergency relief for home mortgage debt.
First New Deal -
Civil Works Administration
Provided jobs for the unemployed by using them to work on public projects.
Second New Deal -
Resettlement Administration
Relocating poor families from rural areas to urban areas and addressing environmental issues.
Second New Deal -
Social Security Act
Established a permanent old age pension system through employee and employer contributions.
Second New Deal
Reform -
Soil Conservation Act
To provide protection against soil erosion
Second New Deal
Reform -
Fair Labor Standards Act
Established a minimum wage, overtime pay eligibility, recordkeeping, and child labor standards.
Second New Deal