New Deal

  • Tennessee Valley Authority

    Tennessee Valley Authority
    Financed the construction of hydro electric dams, and prevented flooding. This impacted America by giving the country another source of power and income by selling the generated electricity (also kept us dry)
  • Federal Deposit Insurence Commission

    Federal Deposit Insurence Commission
    Also called the Glass-Steagall Act, this commission insured bank deposits. This impacted America, because it saved banks from collapsing, and gave investors confidence in the banks they are investing in.
  • Federal Housing Authority

    Federal Housing Authority
    Regulated the quality of construction of homes, insured mortgage loans. This impacted America by making it easier for the people to buy home, and made the conditions of these homes better
  • Security and Exchange Commission

    Security and Exchange Commission
    This Commission monitored the stock market and margin buying. This impacted America, because it stopped monopolies from happening all together, and kept the people from being cheated out of their stocks.
  • National Youth Administration

    National Youth Administration
    This gave students part time employment. This impacted America by giving students a financial aid to pay for their education
  • National Labor Relations Board

    National Labor Relations Board
    Allowed workers to form unions, and stopped employers from banning them. This impacted America by letting the workforce have a bigger say in business.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    Gave a stable income for those who are retired or unemployed. This impacted America by lowering the average retirement age, and giving assistance to those who cannot work
  • The Rural Electrification Administration

    The Rural Electrification Administration
    Gave funding to electrify farms throughout the united states. Although it wasn't initially effective this impacted America by helping give power to the rural areas around America.