
  • Adolf Hitler

    He joined the DAP, a German party that later became the NSDAP, better known as the Nazi Party
  • Coup d'etat

    Coup d'etat
    Hitler proclaimed a revolution and announced his intentions to form a new government
  • A new government

    Formed by Social-Democrats and centrist managed to impove economy
  • Germany was very badly affected by the crash of 1929

    Unemployment inceased, social tension rose again...
  • Hindenburg named Hitler Chancellor

    Hindenburg named Hitler Chancellor
  • Hitler became President of the Republic

    He now held all three top positions in the country: Head of State, Head of Government, and president of the only legal party
  • Hitler assumes command of the German army

    Hitler assumes command of the German army
  • The Nazi economy

    Military rearmament, and the growthbof heavy industry helped Germany to reach full employment
  • Hitler adopts the "final solution"

    Hitler adopts the "final solution" to eliminate the Jewish people
  • Attack on Rastenburg headquarters

    Attack on Rastenburg headquarters
    A bomb exploded that claimed to end Hitler's life
  • Hitler's suicide

    Adolf Hitler commits suicide in Berlin with his wife