
By Katjaik
  • Early Nazi Years

    The NSDAP started in 1919 and used its use of blaming the Jews to gain popularity and Nationalism.
  • Hitler Gains Control

    Before Hitler joins the Nazis he is first a spy against them. Once he joins them he quickly gains in popularity by blaming anti-nationalism on the Jews.
  • Hitlers Arrest and Release

    Hitler was arrested due to trying to take over the government in 1924 and was released in 1928. Once out of jail he gains in popularity from middle-class workers.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    The Great Depression was a good time for the Nazis. They gained in popularity by 37.8% and gained 230 seats in the Reichstag.
  • Reichstag Fire

    Reichstag Fire
    To gain even more control Hitler orders the Reichstag (parliament) building to be burned down. He is successful and his power increases.
  • Chancellor Deal

    Hitler is offered chancellorship by Hindenburg and is invited to form his own government.
  • Enabling Act

    The Nazis create the Enabling Act allowing Hitler to become a dictator and gain even more control of Germany with no consequences.
  • President Hindenburg died

    When President Hindenburg died Hitler was voted to be the next fuehrer(president). 9/10 people were recorded to have voted for Hitler but some say the results were changed.
  • Rearmament

    Hitler created the four-year plan and created a draft. Later in 1939, there were more than 900,000 soldiers at his will.
  • Rhineland

    German soldiers were ordered to go to the Rhineland (river) to defend the treaty between Germany, France, and Britain.
  • Anschluss

    The Austrian chancellor held a vote to determine if they would be independent of Germany or not. The votes resulted in the majority wanting to be independent but Germany claimed that the votes were not true and they would have to surrender or be invaded. Austria chose to surrender.
  • Czechoslovakia/Munich Agreement

    Neville Chamberlain agreed to Germany's invasion of Sudetenland as long as they didn't go further into Czechoslovakia.