Signing of the Treaty of Versaille
- Overall caused for Germany economy to suck so they were desperate for someone to take them out of the poor economy so they elected Hitler because he promised a good economy.
Hitler joins the Nazi party
Hitler joined the Nazi party September 1919. It was called German Worker party. Two years after joining he became leader and renamed the party the Nazi Party. The Nazi party is how he slowly gained power -
Beer Hall Putsch
Occured “between the evening of 8 November and the morning of 9 November 1923’’. Basically Hitler tried to take over the government of Baleria, this state in Germany. It lead to Hitler being jailed, during this time he worked on his book Mein Kampf. -
Mein Kampf
A book Hitler wrote that sold millions of copies, the book was called “My Struggles”, this book was about his struggles and his ideas. It was published July 18 1925. In this book he expressed his ideas, and he published it so others could read it and believe in his ideals. -
Great Depression
An economic crisis, basically since the germans were in stuck with a poor economy, they wanted to get out so Hitler promised jobs and land and stuff they did not have sothey voted for him. -
Hitler becomes Chancellor
“On the night of January 30, 1933, the Nazis organized a massive torchlight parade in Berlin to celebrate the appointment of Hitler as Chancellor of Germany” -
Enabling Bill
An amendment written in 1933. The Nazis obtained dictatorial powers through legal means, it was used to gain complete political power. This helped Hitler rise to power.