Rise (and fall) Of The Nazi Party

By S.L
  • Treaty of Versailles signed.

  • Adolf Hitler becomes member of German Socialist Party

  • Adolf Hitler becomes leader of NSDP

  • Hitler's trial for Munich Putsch - sentenced for 5 years, serves 10 months. Hitler wrote Mein Kampf during that time.

  • Great Depression results in Nazi Party gaining more support

  • Nazi Party gains 18.3% of votes - now the second largest party

  • Nazi Party gains 37.4% of votes - becomes largest party

  • Hitler appointed as Chancellor

  • The Nazis took over local Government

  • Reichstag Fire got Communist Party banned so Hitler's party was able to gain 44% of votes.

  • All parties except Nazi Party were banned

  • President Hindenburg died, giving Hitler more power

  • The Nuremburg Laws made and defined German Citizenship

  • Munich Agreement - Allies support Germany invading Czechoslovakia in return for peace

  • Hitler invades Poland

  • Britain and France declared war on Germany

  • Hitler invades and occupies Czechoslovakia

  • Hitler delayed and later abandoned plans to invade Britain.

  • Denmark and Norway occupied

  • Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France invaded and occupied

  • Battle of Britain began

  • Yugoslavia and Greece invaded

  • Operation Barbarossa – 3 million German troops invaded Russia

  • German advance in Russia halted by Russian winter and Russian counterattacks.

  • Hitler declared war on the United States.

  • First allied bombing raid on German cities

  • Hitler committed suicide.

  • Germany surrendered ending the war in Europe

  • Nuremburg war crimes trial began