Nazi Party background

  • German Workers Party is established

    German Workers Party is established
    created baseline for anti-Semitic ideology
  • Weimar Republic is established

    Weimar Republic is established
    Fails at modern day democracy and creates a need for change in the government.
  • World War I ends

    World War I ends
    The german government had not prepared it's citizens for loss, so there was a widespread feeling of injured national pride.
  • Treaty of Versailles is signed

    Treaty of Versailles is signed
    -held germans responsible -caused an economic downfall
  • Hitler joins German Workers Party

    Hitler joins German Workers Party
    Expresses feelings of anti-Semitism, encouraged national pride and militarism
  • German Workers Party is changed to Nazi Party

    German Workers Party is changed to Nazi Party
    Creates a fresh face, like a new brand, encouraging people to rethink and create buzz
  • Hitler Arrested

    Hitler Arrested
    After an attempt to overthrow local Munich authority, Hitler is arrested and charged with high treason. But he spends his trial voicing his ideas and actually raises support.
  • Hitler is released from prison

    Hitler is released from prison
    reconstructs the Nazi Party, shows the blind support of the german majority, and how people don't see his true intentions
  • Hitler Publishes "Mein Kamph"

    Hitler Publishes "Mein Kamph"
    a book that spreads his ideas while he is in prison. Creates support for his ideas and rationalizes his extreme views.
  • Great Depression Begins

    Great Depression Begins
    chancellor system is created by the current leader of Germany, an attempt to restore order. People begin to work for the Nazi Party (including Schindler) because it is a source of income.
  • Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany

    Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany