Nursing informatics

National Initiatives: Development of Informatics Competencies for Practicing Nurses

By ci0cc0
  • To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System

    To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System
    To Err is Human To Err is Human was published to shed light on the number of people who die from medical errors, and it encourages the improvement of health care in America. The improvement comes from many areas in medicine, which includes health care technology.
  • Informatics Competencies for Nurses at Four Levels of Practice

    Informatics Competencies for Nurses at Four Levels of Practice
    Full Text: Informatics Competencies for Nurses at Four Levels of Practice Staggers, Gassert, and Curran presented four levels of informatics competencies for practicing nurses. Overall, these four levels included management of information, computer skills, informatics research, and informatics theories.
  • Health Professions Education: A Bridge to Quality

    Health Professions Education: A Bridge to Quality
    Full Text: Health Professions Education: A Bridge to Quality The IOM released a report that addressed the "lack of preparation" health care professionals were receiving as well as the lack of assessment regarding their progressed skill or ability. The report detailed five core areas, in which use of information technology was included.
  • TIGER Summit

    TIGER Summit
    The Tiger Summit The Summit, Evidence and Informatics Transforming Nursing, brought together over 100 of the country's leaders in health care and health care education to discuss and learn about shaping nurses' involvement in informatics. Their goal was to create a 10 year vision and a three plan that would influence how nurses used health care technology to deliver quality paitent care.
  • AACN Informatics Competencies

    AACN Informatics Competencies
    The Essentials The Essentials for Baccalaureate Education for Professinal Nursing Practice addresses curriculum necessities to meet the 21st century standards for health care, which include nursing informatics. The standards were drawn from "key stakeholders' recommendations and landmark documents such as the IOM's recommendations."