Abraham lincoln

Nathan Nuttall 4A

By kariso
  • bull run 1

    bull run 1
  • Ironclads

    The Ironclads where the fist boats made out of metal. the very first one was made by the north and it was called the USS Monitor and it was had a flat top that would be under water most of the time and a thing on top that would spin. The second one was made by the south and it was called the USS Virginia and it was built around a normal boat. The USS Monitor had an easier time aiming at other boats and the USS Virginia would take a long time to turn and shout. This changed how boats where made.
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    Fort Sumter was the first battle of the civil war. What happened is the North a fort in the South and the south attacked it. The North had really nothing to do in defense because they did not have enough supplies to last them long enough. the south won that battle and got the fort. The effect that this had is that it was how the south they showed that they are serious and that can they are strong.
  • Antietam

    Antietam took place on September 17, 1862, and it took place at Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg, Maryland. It was one of the souths was an opportunity to win a battle on Union soil. but the Union won. why I chose this one is because this was one of the battles that proved that the north was strong.
  • Gettysburg address

    Gettysburg address
    Abraham Lincoln and Edward Everett spoke at Gettysburg. Lincoln was not going to speak at Gettysburg but then he changed his mind and went. Edward Everett spoke first and he gave a 2-hour speech that no one remembers and Lincoln gave a really short one that is one of the most known speeches in history. People who were there thought that Lincoln's speech was a bad speech. Why I think that the Gettysburg address is an important event is because it helped people know what ith impact was from it.