
Nancy Cartwright 24 January 1944 - Present

By KaciMN
  • Nancy Cartwright 24 January 1944 – Present: Education

    1966 – Earns BSc in mathematics from the University of Pittsburgh / Earns Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Illinois at Chicago
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    Nancy Cartwright 24 January 1944 – Present: Teaching Career Begins

    1971-1973 - Teaches at the University of Maryland
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    Nancy Cartwright 24 January 1944 – Present: Teaching Career Changes

    1973-1991 – Teaches at Stanford University
  • Nancy Cartwright 24 January 1944 - Present: Proposes Thesis

    1983 – Writes thesis in a collection of essays about fundamental laws of physics not stating truths about the world. This thesis is considered as radical because most philosophers assume there are physical laws which describe natural events. / Cartwright, Nancy. How the Laws of Physics Lie. 1983
  • Nancy Cartwright 24 January 1944 - Present: First Book

    1989 – Writes her first book about replacing causality laws with causality capacities and wondering if laws are needed at all. / Cartwright, Nancy. Nature’s Capacities and their Measurement. 1989
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    Nancy Cartwright 24 January 1944 - Present: Teaching Career Progresses

    1991 – Becomes professor of philosophy in the Department of Philosophy, Logic, and Scientific Method at London School of Economics / 1993 - Becomes Director of the LSE Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science / 1998 - Becomes professor of philosophy in the Department of Philosophy at the University of California at San Diego
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    Nancy Cartwright 24 January 1944 - Present: Writing Continues

    1999 – Writes a book with a collection of old and new essays which proposes a combination of laws of nature. / Cartwright, Nancy. The Dappled World. 1999 / 2004 – Writes article about the many theories of causation and hers which is that it is not a single concept. / Cartwright, Nancy. Causation: One Word, Many Things. 2004
  • Nancy Cartwright 24 January 1944 - Present: Self-Profile

    2011 – Creates a video profile of herself: LSE Philosophy: Nancy Cartwright. YouTube, uploaded by Cartwright, Nancy, 2 August 2011,