My year

  • Graduation photo

    Graduation photo
    This day I going to go to take my photographs for graduation title and the photo of my classmates and me. This is our last year on school, so that's why we are going to do it.
  • Civic day

    Civic day
    This day I will talk about Nicaragua for the civic month in my school. Maybe I will talk about its culture, or about its history, but I am really nervous for that.
  • Independence day.

    Independence day.
    Other beautiful anniversary of our independence. I'm very happy for that, and this day I'm going to go to see miliary parades with my best friend because we love that.
  • PAES

    Octuber 11th and October 12th 2016, me, my classmates and all junior students are goint to the the PAES, the 'most' difficult test in our future, that maybe, it will define our future and measure our intelligence.
  • Admission test

    Admission test
    This day is the best and the worst day of my year. This day, this test will define if I deserve to enter to the UES. I am very nervous for this test. A lot of people want to enter, over 2000 students, I think. I hope I will pass it in the first time.
  • Graduation

    Finally! After a lot of time studying, I'm finally graduating. I'm happy and sad at the same time. I will miss some of my classmates, my teachers (some of them I know them since I was child), maybe all, but I'm happy because I'm starting a new chapter in my life. A chapter with new people and new adventures. Destiny, what do you have for me?