My use of technology in grade school

  • Record Player

    Record Player
    It was used to listen records of chants, rhymes, and books.
  • Period: to

    Use of the record player

  • Type Writer

    Type Writer
    Was used to write book reports, essays, and many other documents.
  • Period: to

    Use of Type Writer

  • Overhead Projector

    Overhead Projector
    Teachers used it in biology class to explain diagrams of animal and plant cells and microorganisms.
  • Mimeograph

    It was used to make copies of questionaries, tests and study guides created by students or teachers.
  • Hand Held Calculator

    Hand Held Calculator
    It was used during trigonometry class, tests, and to solve homework mathematical assignments.
  • Period: to

    Use of Mimeograph

  • Period: to

    Use of Hand Held Calculator

  • Tape Player/Recorder

    Tape Player/Recorder
    It was used to play music during dance and physical education class, and to record and remember information to study for a test.
  • TV and VCR

    TV and VCR
    It was use to watch history and science documentaries as an introduction to lessons to be study from our textbooks.
  • Period: to

    Tape Player

  • Period: to

    TV and VCR

  • Electric Type Writer

    Electric Type Writer
    Replaced the regular type writer, it was faster, and easy to correct typos.