World History Timeline

  • 1300

    The Renaissance

    Began in Italy. They used formal figures to express religious concerns. It was a philosophical and artistic movement.
  • 1400

    William Shakespeare

    William Shakespeare
    An English poet during the Renaissance. Known for his many plays, and writings.
  • 1400

    Johannes Gutenberg

    Started the printing press and introduced printing to Europe.
  • 1500

    The Reformation

    Church sells Indulgences, merchants want usury, absolute power, domination of Italians in the church.
  • 1500


    A painter, sculptor, and an artist during the reformation. He is known for painting the sistine chapel.
  • 1500

    Desiderius Erasmus

    Dutch Renaissance humanist. He was known for writing in Latin.
  • 1500

    Leonardo da Vinci

    Leonardo da Vinci
    An Italian artist during the Renaissance. His most famous work is the Mona Lisa, and the Sistine Chapel.
  • 1517

    Martin Luther

    A german monk, wrote the 95 thesis, creator of Lutheranism.
  • 1517

    John Calvin

    Creator of Calvinism during the protestant reformation.
  • 1517

    Henry VIII

    Was the king of England. The pope had more power over him so he developed the Anglican Church.
  • 1517

    Elizabeth I

    Was the queen of England, after her father died, and she helped make the Anglican church the official church of England.
  • 1517

    St. Ignatius de Loyola

    Was a Spanish priest who founded the religious order called the Society of Jesus.
  • 1519

    European Exploration

    People develope new shipbuilding techniques allow ships to sail against the wind. Countries wanted to colonize lands where they could get gold, silver, and raw materials.The value of coins in Europe depended on how much precious metal was in them. Many did it for God, glory, and gold.
  • 1519

    Prince Henry of Portugal

    A Portuguese explorer that sent expeditions down to Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • 1519

    Christopher Columbus

    A navigator that found San Salvador.
  • 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan

    Portuguese explorer that ran the Spanish expedition.
  • 1519

    Francis Drake

    English captain, made the second circumnavigation of the world, he was also a pirate.
  • 1519

    Hernan Cortez

    A Spanish conquer/ explorer. He brought down the Aztec Empire.
  • 1519

    Francisco Pizarro

    A spanish conquer who lead a take over of the Inca Empire.
  • 1519

    Jacques Cartier

    Helped the development of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Found what is present-day Canada.
  • 1519

    Vasco da Gama

    An explorer, the first person that reached India by water.
  • Absolute Monarchies

    The king has ultimate authority, and authority is not restricted by any written laws.
  • Frederick the Great

    King of Prussia and longest ruler of Prussia. Won the seven years war.
  • Peter the Great

    Tsar of Russia. Fought in the Russo-Persian war.
  • The Scientific Revolution

    People were curious due to the Renaissance. Scientists developed the scientific method. The study of nature became more organized. Developed Astronomy, Physics, and Anatomy.
  • Nicolaus Copernicus

    Nicolaus Copernicus
    A Polish scientist and the founder of Astronomy. Built a heliocentric model.
  • Johannes Kepler

    Tried to use mathematics to prove that the planet orbit around the sun. Discovered the three laws about how planets orbit in space.
  • Galileo Galilei

    Invented the telescope. He supported Copernicus's theory and said that everything revolves around the sun.
  • Isaac Newton

    Discovered that planets revolve around the sun. Explained the laws of gravity, and laws of motion.
  • William Harvey

    William Harvey
    Studied the circulation of blood along with Andreas Vesalius.
  • English Civil War

    A war between the parliament and the English monarchy. On one side the Parliament, also known as the Roundheads, against King Charles and his army, known as the Cavaliers.
  • Louis XIV

    Built the Palace of Versailles, Used the palace to control nobles. He worked to make the kings power absolute.
  • Charles I

    Monarch of England. He believed in divine rights of kings. He fought in the English Civil War against the Parliament.
  • Oliver Cromwell

    Fought the English Civil War. Was part of Parliament until he took over after Charles I died.
  • The Glorious Revolution

    Oliver Cromwell set up a dictatorship of which he was in charge. This dictatorship had very strict religious rules. When Cromwell died, Parliament asked the son of the king they’d overthrown to become the new king. James came into power and he was just like his father, Charles I. He believed that he should have absolute power, and he ignored the Parliament. He was Catholic-- not Anglican. Once again parliament wants to revolt.
  • Charles II

    Monarch of England. Fled to France after his father was executed. During the Restoration Charles II was reinstated in 1661.
  • William and Mary

    Is King James II daughter. The Parliament asked her and her husband William, to rule so King James II son couldn’t be appointed.
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement and was influenced by the Renaissance. People wanted reason and people believed that the scientific method could explain human nature.
  • Baron de Montesquieu

    A political Philosopher that wrote The Spirit of the Laws. He believed that England had the best government, formed the idea of separation of powers.
  • Voltaire

    Wrote the Candide. Believed Separation of Church and state, and religious tolerance.
  • Jean Jacques Rousseau

    Wrote the Social Contract. Believed that government is a contract between the ruler and the people. Civilization means stronger ruled over the weaker.
  • John Locke

    Wrote 2 Treatises on civil government. Believed that everyone has the right to life, liberty, and property.
  • Thomas Hobbes

    Wrote the Leviathan. Said people need an absolute monarch to protect people from themselves.
  • Eugene Delacroix

    Eugene Delacroix
    A French artist. Most famous work is the massacre at Chios.
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution was influenced by Enlightenment ideals, particularly the concepts of inalienable rights.
  • Louis XVI

    Was ruler during the French Revolution. He tried to sneak out of Paris and when he did, the radicals took over the government.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Was a military leader. Rose to power during the French Revolution.
  • Miguel de Cervantes

    A Spanish writer and novelists. He was known for writing his books in Spanish.