My Birthdate
This is when i was born. -
I Lose My Bestfriend
Mason Adams passed away from a horrible accident. -
Moved To Marville
My family moved to Maryville in hope to have a better life -
I Was Diagnosed With Dialated Cardiomyopathy
I found out the diesease did not skip my generation. -
Rushed to Children's Mercy in Ambulance
I was very sick and my heart was having problems functioning -
Moved Back Home To St Joseph
I moved back home to attend school. -
The Phone Call I Never Got
My dad told me he would call, he never did for 2 months. -
The doctor told me my heart was getting worse and gave me less time. -
My Dad Gave Up On Me
i told my 'father' i didn't want him acting like a dad if he wasn't going to be one. -
Estimated Date of Death According To Doctors
According to doctors this is the maximum date to which i will live.