The Start
March 6th 2001 was the day and year I was born. -
By the time i'm 25 I want to be graduated college in 2025 but, first I would have to graduate high school in 2019 -
Weld Tickets
I would like to graduate college with all of my weld tickets but I would have to go to a college that offers that type of program. -
When I graduate college I would like to work as a pipe-fitter but I probably have to move to an area that offers that kind of work. -
By the time I am 35 I would like to have a full time job, but first I would have to get a job. -
At 35 I would like to be working on the west coast or working in America because of more job opportunities. -
At 35 I would like to have started a family married and have a kid or two. -
By the time I am 65 I would like to be retired or getting close to retirement, but I would need to have enough money put away. -
By the time I am 65 I would like to have my children start having children of their own. -
When I am 65 I would like to have gone on vacation somewhere warm with my family. -
The End