Day I was born
I was born in a Hospital. My mom said I couldnt wait to come out because I made her go into labor a few days early. My family came to visit me and then eventually my mom took me home. -
First Steps
That was the day i took my first steps. I would walk around and get into any mess i could. Since then ive been walking ever since. -
First Word
My mom kept trying so hard to get me to talk. She would say momma over and over. I eventually said it and she was so happy, because it was my first word she could understand. -
I lost my two front teeth
My two front teeth were loose and their was family over at my house. Some how my two uncles convinced me to let them pull them out. On the count of three they said they would pull them, then they pulled on two. It hurt very bad only for a minute and i got over being mad at them two. -
I started Kindergarten
I remember i was so excited for my first day. My mom was taking so many pictures, because she was excited as well. I remember having my barbie backpack, i thought i was so cool. -
Switched Schools
Ever since kindergraden I went to the same school and one day my mom made me switch. I was in 6th grade at the time. I only went to this new school for about 1 semester and then I went back to the school I was already in. -
Started High School
I was so excited to start high school. I was also very happy to see my friends. High school is so much more different. -
Got my Braces
I got my braces freshman year. I didnt think it was going to hurt but it did and it was hard to eat. I do like how every month i get to go get the color changed. -
Current Relationship
This is the day me and my current boyfriend started dating. We talked for a long while before he finally asked. -
16th Birthday Trip
For my birthday I wanted to go to California. So me and my mom drove up to San Diego and stayed for a few days. Its something Ill never forget because we went to Seaworld and got to visit and beach and so much more things.