My Timeline

  • Born in Lutheran Hospital

    Born in Lutheran Hospital
    I was Born in Lutheran hospital on June 26, 2006. I was born two and a half ish weeks late.
  • Zoo with grandparents

    Zoo with grandparents
    When I was around three I went to the zoo with my grandparents. It was the first time we were able to go all the way around the zoo. It is also one of the only memories I retain from childhood which is why it makes it so important to me.
  • Began art

    Began art
    I began drawing a lot more around 7-8. I realized how much I liked creating this art of characters I've seen, and liked putting my thoughts down into art.
  • Got into DND

    Got into DND
    Dnd was kind of my 'rite of passage' into character creation because its really how I started. My sibling came to the family with this new game and was super excited about it. I, being the closest with this family member, leveled with their excitement, and got even more excited when they sat down and explained it all to me.
  • Cut my hair short

    I cut my hair short in middle school because I thought it would look cool. And guess what? Of course it didn't. I regretted it pretty instantly to be honest.
  • Started highschool

    Started highschool
    Finally started highschool, and took me an additional two weeks to get completely adjusted.
  • Reconnected with friends

    Reconnected with friends
    When Corona hit I didn't really talk to any of my old friends but a lot of them were in world studies with me. So in other words I got to talk with a lot of them a lot more and we became actual friends again.
  • C O R O N A

    C O R O N A
    So the end of the summer before freshman year, after quarantine, my family all got sick. With 6 of us in the house, and me being one of the last to get sick, I had to quarantine for every. single. one. So in other words I had no summer and was two weeks late to my first year in high school.
  • Started therapy

    Started therapy
    I began therapy early 2021 which was a good step forward for me in my opinion.
  • First Ren fair

    First Ren fair
    I got to go to my first renaissance fair in July this year and it was so fun! There were so many crafts places, and so many cool costumes. You could pay 'sentries' to 'arrest' someone and my dad payed for my youngest sister to be arrested. The downside is she thought she was actually in trouble and completely freaked out.
  • Got accepted into amp

    Got accepted into amp
    I found out that I got into AMP towards the end of last school year and I remember being super excited about it.
  • Got my first job!

    Got my first job!
    I finally got a job working as a maintenance man for a church. I get payed well and get to choose my hours so I'm excited.
  • Junior Year Starts

    Junior Year Starts
    I feel like everything's gone by so fast and I'm missing out on a lot. Sometimes I regret choices, other times those choices were obviously right because I'm always right (not really, I know shocking)